Saturday, October 31, 2020

President Trump Amend the 1968 Gun Control Act

I'm Eleanor Roosevelt and I approve of this message


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


In 1968 AD in the year of our Lord, Congress and the President illegally infringed upon the Second Amendment to the Constitution in criminalizing the innocent for the actions of the guilty. It was called the 1968 Gun Control Act, and hidden in the commerce clause, came regulations over firearms, which the Founders never allowed.

If something was bought and sold, the commerce clause could cover it, much like John Roberts in illegally legalizing Obamacare as a tax which is a regulation, Roberts Obama forced Americans to buy something they did not want shattering the Constitution.

In the 1968 Gun Control Act, there was an Antique Clause, meaning firearms manufactured before 1899 were not covered or regulated. That translated into only firearms for 69 years were covered.

The Lame Cherry calls upon President Donald Trump and the BATFE to revisit the illegal regulations and visit them upon the precident of 69 years. It has been 52 years since 1968, and firearms have aged, liked Model T Fords of that long ago era.  

In revisiting the 1968 Gun Control Act, firearms should no longer be regulated if they are 69 years or older, meaning in 2020, that all firearms manufactured before 1951 should now be grandfathered in, and that would include "machine guns" and Gatling Guns which are 2 centuries old.

The Lame Cherry urges President Trump to take up this issue and for the BATFE to ammend the regulations to state that firearms older than 69 years old, are no longer regulated. That is even older than Social Security in the elderly made to work. Old cars have antique license plates far sooner than 69 years, people are deemed "old" now in barely over 50 years old for senior discounts, so the BATFE regulation should read 69 years old from 2020 and that translates all firearms are no longer monitored manufactured before 1951 AD in the year of our Lord.

Here is a 99 Savage. No Quadroon is going to be hosing down the hood with this rifle in Obama Soros Intifada.

Here are Anton Scalia and Lezbo Kagan duck hunting, absolutely harmless to society, and they should be not regulated.


It is time to amend the 1968 Gun Control Act and President Donald Trump is the leader for the job. The BATFE has been most willing to gain rights again for Americans, and they should be embraced and thanked. It is time for the 69 Clause or the Trump Clause in the illegal 1968 Gun Control Act.


Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Nuff Said

