Sunday, October 4, 2020

The City State Rot



It’s not lost on me that we live in a time where people still don’t really trust journalists,” Cassel said, “There’s almost an open animosity towards journalists in a lot of places.”



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


I was in the process of writing the publisher of the Star Tribune's City Pages in Mary Erickson, over the fact that her Editor, Mary Cassel, after having her reprehensible mocking of the President and First Lady being ill, in Ms. Cassell doubled down at FOX in showing no remorse.


The article, which appeared in the Minneapolis-St. Paul weekly City Pages, asked if readers were in a “really, inexplicably good mood” after hearing of the First Family’s diagnosis.

The article, written by editor-in-chief Emily Cassel, also presented a series of tweets responding to that news, urging readers to laugh at them.


 But what is the point in expressing a view to a liberal Publisher, whose City Pages celebate cultural rot as her admonishing Ms. Cassel, had Ms. Cassel flip her the bird and go off on Donald Trump again at FOX, in her job is safe and that is what Mary Erickson thinks too.

Earlier today, City Pages published an item regarding President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump testing positive for COVID-19.

The post, and the tweets that were shared as part of it, were insensitive and in bad taste. The posting has been removed from our website. While it is in the spirit of alt-weekly journalism to provoke and to push boundaries, in this case we went too far.

We apologize to our readers and to our advertisers, and wish President and Mrs. Trump a safe and speedy recovery.

Mary Erickson
City Pages 


 I remember being on Joe Klein's pages at Time and reading his boring, dinosaur blog. He thought he could do this, because he could write articles, but writing articles is not the same as writing a blog. The fact is no one by God's Grace does it better than Lame Cherry. No one has published as much as this blog has and no one has produced content that others would never dare.

Satire and irony are talents. Mocking President Trump as David Letterman proved at CBS in making liberals laugh over people being hurt and dying, only reveals the rot in the liberal soul.

When this blog exposed the ridiculous death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, it was harsh, but it was only harsh due to the delusional responses of liberals and Ginsburg being put on display in the Supreme Court and the House. That was a woman who would not leave and she was already gone. Her one decision in life was rejecting Jesus the Christ as a secular Jew. That is her epitaph on what she will be Judged by, not weak liberals who gathered at the Supreme Court as if that would do anything, any more than Jake Tapper's daughter running out of the room crying when Donald Trump in debate beat her pedophile hero, Joe Biden, and Jake Tapper reported that.

That is the disconnect in all of this. Mary Cassell is a woman, yet she supports Joe Biden who has raped a woman, used his dead wife to steal the wife of another man, and Joe Biden molests children. That is what is the modern Obama liberal group. They burn down forests and claim to be green. They burn down neighborhoods and claim they want reparations. They beat up people and claim they want peace. They claim to be superior, and their very rot of the soul, reveals they are as base as the world was, when Shakespeare, Dickens and then Hollywood in Leave it to Beaver, attempted to educate the masses to be thoughtful and caring.

When this started in the 1960's, the CIA turned loose the self indulgence and abuse of individuals, and in that now 3rd generation there is an Emily Cassell, and yes I called her Mary, but what difference does it make, as this is a cultural tumor of millions which as eaten the American politic and industry to a societal death. This era reminds me the book of Judges in the Bible, where it was said "There was no leader so every man did what he thought was right".

The cancer is feeding off of society, and there is not consequence of it. All of these snowflakes with their parents have rotted down to living with mummy and daddy, because their choices screwed up the country, but yet they are still saying bring in more foreigners to take jobs, because they do not want to do them.


Cassel provided Fox News with the following statement: “Regarding my blog post and the subsequent blowback, I would simply like to quote the president: ‘Every time I speak of the haters and losers I do so with great love and affection. They cannot help the fact that they were born f----d up!’”

 Below are two examples of Emily Cassel featuring the City State Rot. For some reason a Quadroon was getting married at a riot burned out police station, as a sweet act of protest. Marriage is not to be entered into lightly and yet this marriage  is based on violent riots.

Will Planned Parenthood in aborticide rooms be the choice? Just where is the limit in these deluded people in how they will continue to degrade themselves.

The other post was centered on Quadroon spray paint, called "art". Make it 20 below in Minnesota and these Quadroons will not remember George Floyd the porn star or care.

Couple married at the burnt-out Third Precinct is the sweetest act of protest 


Save his name: The grassroots race to preserve George Floyd murals in Minneapolis


 Emily Cassel has little talent, beyond featuring cultural rot, where every new pile of dog shit is a monument to the wonder of liberalism and blamed on Donald Trump.

Coronavirus has taught Emily Cassel nothing. She is insulated and as the metro becomes more constricted in safe and not safe areas, she gives up freedom for smaller and smaller spheres, never realizing with cities burned, forests burned and Donald Trump with Coronavirus, that none of that has changed her world. She had 8 years of Barack Obama and he brought the same ruin that his friend George W. Bush brought on the world.

The tweets Cassel highlighted in the article were in a similar vein, with one reading: “I think I speak for everyone when I say that it would be insanely funny if he died of the coronavirus."


Cassel never explains in her comedy how this would be funny. Is it funny because Barack Hussein Obama funded this Wuhan lab with US taxpayer money? Is it funny that Obama holdovers brought plague carriers in against President Trump's orders. Is it funny that democrats locked down their states, except for telling Blacks to go out and riot which caused them to catch the virus?

Is it funny, because Donald Trump has spent billions in trying to find remedies and cures to save people and now one of those trials is saving him, and will prove to doctors to use that to save sick people?


This is all generational. These liberals said if they just cheated and got rid of Richard Nixon and had John Kennedy that they would be happy. It did not happen, even with LBJ stealing elections.

Again if they got rid of Nixon they would be happy, and they gave us Jimmy Carter who is the father of all terrorism and economic rot in America. Reagan was ridiculed like Trump and if they got rid of HW Bush for Clinton, it would all be wonderful, but they were still the same liberals, cheating to get rid of Obama's friend W. Bush and after 8 years of Obama failed policies which created Coronavirus plagues, they still have not achieved the rot they desire.

Emily Cassel in her photo, looks like a nice girl, she has tramp stamps to make her look pretty and she tries to make herself stand out as she has achieved the title of Editor of cultural rot in St. Paul. Somewhere in her though is not the Christ centered compassion of empathy, that a little boy like Barron Trump is scared his parents might die. She would say it serves him right. It though is the same judgment the world is overflowing with daily, and the point in this is, when Emily Cassel is in need of some human kindness, will she not be happy when it is all gone. As it is not coming from foreigners of the 3rd world and in the coming wars of more biological weapons, nuclear weapons and worse, the Eurasians are not going to say, "Oh we can't bomb the American metros, because liberals live there".


Nuff Said


