Sunday, October 4, 2020

Coming to America

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the back pages of military tech sites, there has been a steady progression since late 2010 of China moving from a Moscow Ukraine client state on strategic warfare, to China becoming a self sufficient warfare producing agent of invasion.

What the Lame Cherry is to exclusively bring to your minds again, is the reality that China has plans for a massive aircraft carrier fleet, and plans for space dominance, plans to do this and that, but China for a decade has been acquiring the best American and Germany jet engine technology, and coupled with Soviet designs it is in full production of the WS 18 turbofan.

This jet engine is advanced and is powering the future, and the future is the WS 20 turbo fan which is what is powering from this point on, the Chinese Y 20 transport fleet and the Xian H 6 long range bomber.

Y 20 Transport

H 6 long range bomber.

The Lame Cherry would advise you to forget the ornamentals of stealth fighters and other gizmos the Chinese are dallying with as the real function point of China is this super engine, which will drive two necessary orders of battle for the PLA, and that is swiftly moving numbers of invasion forces to secure swaths of real estate and round the clock bombing platforms to destroy Naval and Military forces standing in the way of the Chinese annexation of territory.

This is an aerial photo of the Chinese complex building the Y 20 transport, which is engaged in mass production. Transports are designed for moving large quantities of men and material to theater in first strike landings. The Chinese have built and are building an invasion fleet, with fully operational air to fuel transports, to keep this going round the clock for weeks.

The Chinese are going somewhere, with a great deal manpower and supplies. The question is where is China going?

Break down the objectives.

China has marched into Korea. China does not need a flight invasion force for Taiwan. China would expend it's military in attempting to invade Japan.

No this force is for something strategic, in 300 troops per 20 transports is 6000 boots on the ground within hours. This is the Chinese Blitzkrieg and it is heading somewhere

It is possible a wet run into Iran, seizing Iran in an American and Jewish attack is highly probable for another move, as what better place to lure America out, than the political theater of the Mideast, a very long way from home for America, and a short distance for the Chinese flight force.

A conflict over Iran, would allow China to move swiftly to seize Alaska, with oil, and again, Alaska is a long way from the United States and a not so distant venue for China.
It is feasible that the PLA could land in Alaska 50,000 PLA troopers, and seize the region.


With the addition of Chinese shipping, cargo ships could be moved to Alaskan ports and offloaded in a prelude, and with more ship transports of PLA forces, it is more than possible that China could pre position and transport in the final hours an entire division if not a corp to Alaska.

All provided with the cover of the H 6, using hypersonic weapons and cruise missiles to obliterate all armed resistance. Given 30 days, China with their immigrant nationals could have the Alaskan fuel and heavy armor to open fronts in Vancouver, Seattle and various California points.

It is possible in China venturing to Saudi Arabia in a neutralized America in the Mideast would have an immense American weapons supply to turn on Americans in the best weapons available.

It is highly possible with an Obama BLM and Soros ANTIFA 5th column, and Russia moving into Europe, that the Chinese jet engines, could wresting beach heads in the American West and Canada, fly in millions of AK 47 Manchurian mamas who would be promised that they could keep the gold, the land, the houses, the cars, the everything they acquired, if they would just swarm the areas like rats. This would be the continuous Chinese sappers in the American wire, as greed and hunger would drive these planeloads of armed Chinese forward.

For those who do not comprehend the numbers, 3.4 million foreigners entered the United States at the start of the Coronavirus to spread the plague. Given 6 months, and China would be able to move to the American mainland, 20 million armed Chinese as a front line, which would overwhelm the coast and interior as Obama and Soros Marxists would welcome their liberators.

The evidence is solid. China is moving somewhere. The Lame Cherry projects the movement will come to America, with quick strike destruction of Guam and Hawaii occupied. By pass the ring of fire islands as they are not a threat when America will be occupied on it's own mainland lines.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

