Saturday, October 24, 2020

The Delaware DC Crime Syndicate



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


With the streams of confirmations coming in, that Joe Biden and the FBI have been involved in a massive Pedo can Play cover up, over Hunter Biden's laptop, criminal revelations are poring in, and again, now we know why Joe Biden did not run in 2016 when he had the best chance, as everyone knew there was evidence on his pedophile son, Hunter, and Joe Biden was Mr. Big in the Delaware DC crime syndicate.

 This syndicate first became known when it was defined as such by this blog when Joe Biden, in order to be awarded Obama's Vice Presidency, ordered his son, Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden to arrest Obama's White homosexual consort, the innocent Lawrence Sinclair.

Larry Sinclair's life was put through hell. Obama trolls online threatened him with death, and the FBI did absolutely nothing as  the fix was in for Obama by the Bush crime family.

Sinclair was is disabled and on medications was arrested in DC, "lost" in the tombs there for two days, before he was sent to Delaware where the Biden's intended to put him into prison for life. Larry Sinclair was the first Donald Trump, in being framed by Obama, Biden, Bush and the FBI, reaching into the caves of Delaware corrupt politics.


Joe Biden Was the 'Big Guy' Getting 10% of the Deal With Chinese Businessman Says Insider Who Was CEO   redstate


Joe Biden is the defacto head of the Delaware crime syndicate without the remorse of the Goodfellas in this Irish mic organization.

What is fascinating in this is, Bill Clinton and Al Gore, illegally took in millions of Chinese and Indonesia bribes. Clinton took in around 48 million dollars from Marc Rich the banker who laundered Iraqi funds for Saddam Hussein.

The Bush family under Prescott Bush, has always been a bag man operation for the people in power. Their main scheme was running dope into Clinton's Arkansas and Jeb Bush's Florida. They cleared the deck of Conseratives for Jeb Bush and as a family payout to the global order, George Bush allowed 10 million GOP votes to disappear to put Obama into power twice, and the clincher was for Obamacare communism, George Bush did nothing when Al Franken stole a GOP Senate seat making it an Obama super dictatorial majority. 

The Biden's though had to come by it another way in power and money, in being the Irish mics always looking . Biden began cashing in as acting President from 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, when Obama left the building on June 13th. Ukraine and China were where the Biden's focused with Hunter Biden the pedophile dope head, being the family bag man.


Hunter Biden's Partner: The Bidens Made Millions off of China Deals   nro 


Hunter Ex-Partner Confirms Email, Cash From China, Says Joe Biden Was The 'Big Guy' - The Lid   lidblog


No one wanted this senile old bastard getting the Democratic nomination, but Bernie Sanders was forced out again in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, but the fix  was in, in those who rose Donald Trump to the White House to remove this globalist mess of communists from DC. The reason image Obama did not want Biden running is Obama Inc know all of this corruption was out there. It is not like the FBI does not have a hotline to the 1% and informs them of what is out there to blackmail people with.

Joe Biden was brought forward to be the sacrificial strawman of 2020. You can see the loathing that democrats have for Biden in Biden has been an arrogant stupid prick for all his life. They will enjoy Biden's humiliation and the forever record of Pedo Biden. It does not matter if the Biden's ever are indicted, what matters is the legacy, and as no one else is being indicted in this family squabble, you can see what William Barr was brought in to manage.

What I simply can not comprehend in "speaking bribes" that Bill Clinton took, why Joe Biden did not make money the dishonest legal way, in selling himself to high bidders to listen to him rant.

I mean Al Gore made a fortune on fake climate change. Dan Quayle came by it all legally in a career after the Vice Presidency. Walter Mondale was not going hungry in Minnesota. Joe Biden was already a rich man. He could have padded it with opportunities this trash is always handed. It simply was unnecessary to go to the criminal lengths he did, and yet, Joe Biden not only did it, but he got caught doing it.

In order for Biden to pull this off, Hillary Clinton would have to have been President or Donald Trump impeached. Two long shots, and neither took place. Throw in a dope head son, who is a pedophile, dropping computers off at repair shops with child rape on the hard drive, and you have the legacy of Joe Biden.

There will not be any more image Obama gay parades for Biden This has all now become too exposed and Biden is a festering sore.

There is not going to be any Mockingbird narrative accusing Russians of this pedophile laptop nor claiming the most investigated man in history is suddenly now a Nixon crook.


Impeachment isn't the issue in 2020, it's Trump crimes and corruption   usa 


Joe Biden is in a political implosion. He is like Slim Pickens riding the nuke to the ground in Dr. Strangelove. Kamala Harris has to be fuming over this. This is a woman who fucked her way to where she is, and now she is linked to pedophiles, and as inheritor of the brass ring in Biden Harris defeat, she will have the Obama Inc and the Clinton's plotting to get rid of this lightweight. She is now the Biden reminder and she does not have Diane Feinsein's political weight nor Teddy Kennedy's Congressional accomplishments to stand on. 

Think of this 12 years ago, Teddy Kennedy put the Kennedy mantle on Obama, who did the most stupid thing ever in choosing a Delaware Mr. Big to save his black homosexual ass, and Biden could not even get Clinton crimes of bribery down so no one would see it.
Instead another Bush fiasco is Al Franken assaulted a number of women and Hillary Clinton's Senate attack dog in Franken was removed. It all set in most Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This is the Obama legacy. Obama homosexual fucked this up, choosing a pedophile family to cover his ass, and the ticket of Hillary Clinton and Al Franken which was formidable, was neutralized by more sex crimes. Obama was the same political disaster that John Kennedy was.
Democrats instead of having stars like Lyndon Johnson, Hubert Humphrey and Bill Clinton to guide them, ran into a series of flat footed Al Gores, John Kerrys and Joe Bidens who destroyed success.

All is not lost as California is already legalizing child rape, so in not that Obama communist long, Hunter Biden will be deemed a victim and Joe Biden as the friendly child molester who should have been President. That will take years though and the political disaster which Joe Biden had heaped like a mill stone on the Democratic Party is going to the drowning depths of the sea.

There are always rumors and charges of how deviant leaders are, but most never arise to the Bill Clinton level. The fact is that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the most sexually disgusting pair to ever run for President. Republican senators were hounded out of office for what Kamala Harris engaged in, and there honestly has never been a confirmed pedophile and son ever put up by any party in the United States.

Obama and the Bush family brought this to democrats and that party will split and shatter along child rape lines from this moment forward. 

One of Hunter Biden’s business partners, Tony Bobulinski, after learning that he would be called before two Senate committees to discuss the matter, released a lengthy statement confirming the validity of the “smoking gun” email. But he included more details than a simple confirmation of receipt. He spoke of Joe Biden’s “eager” participation in the scheme and the fact that he profited from Hunter’s Chinese activities to the tune of millions of dollars.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.



