Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Difference Between President Donald Trump and candidate Joe Biden


 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter

The difference between President Donald Trump and candidate Joe Biden, is clear. One is a President who does not molest children and one is a candidate who rapes women and molests children.

No clearer reality is Joe Biden lurking in his basement for months, terrified of a virus, that the President rightly states now we have nothing to fear. Donald Trump resisted going to Walter Reed hospital, and the fact is the only reason he did go was for the reason of experimental medications.

His fever was gone, he was improving, and while it was astute to admit himself, the fact is the President showed his vigor and his leadership by greeting Americans who had gathered outside of the hospital. The fact is that Donald Trump left the hospital and is recovering in the White House with a full work load.

The response of Joe Biden has continued as the virus bully. He immediately when the President was still in hospital, announced he would attend the second debate even if the President did not. Real pedophile class in Joe Biden as it was the first time he showed any courage, but then it was because he thought he could win a debate if the President was not present.

Here is Biden venturing out "campaigning". No one came and here is stalking and terrifying children again.

 The theme to Joe Biden is Simon and Garfunkel's I am a Rock. The song is about a nut locked up in his room with his books and poetry to protect him. That is Joe Biden. He is an old man afraid and incapable of leading.


 Look at this thing from the British meddling press. I eman you are talking about Monty Python's English twit, hair lip and all. She is Patti Lapone, the black widow, thinking they are about to join a pedophile and rapist, just like Bill Clinton in bed, and now like Biden can attack the President as they think the virus did what Joe Biden could not do.

Marina Hyde - The Guardian.


That is the kind of American loathing and man hating things Joe Biden contracts. They are his virus.


You are hearing a great deal about the polling, in it  favoring Biden. The 14 points appeared again, and if you check the history, in June 17 of 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, Biden was 14 point ahead, which was bogus.


The question of polling accuracy came to head last week, after CNN published a national survey showing Biden with a 14-point lead over Trump among registered voters, 55 percent to 41 percent. 
The leftist polling data always samples "educated" people, but always shuns White high school graduates. They have stated they are trying to make up this margin, but if you are normal like me, you never pick up those Goddamn numbers which you do not know, and if you did in the past, you either hung up or the questions were so skewed that you just screwed with the polling.

To test this theoryCloudResearch recently sampled American voters in search of what they term “shy voters.” Their results show that Trump supporters were “significantly more reluctant to share their opinions on phone surveys compared to Biden supporters.” Almost 12 percent of Republicans and nearly 11 percent of Independents, were also almost twice as likely to be reticent than Democrats (about 5 percent).

These seemingly small percentages could have major November implications. For illustration of roughly how big, look at 2016 exit polling.

In the last presidential election, 36 percent of voters were Democrats, while 33 percent were Republicans and 31 percent were Independents. Applying CloudResearch’s “shy voter” percentages to each group yields 9 percent of the electorate as not giving their true candidate preferences.

However, those roughly one in 11 reticent voters are not, as CloudResearch discovered, evenly distributed between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Instead, they run about 2-to-1 in Trump’s favor. On the net, they come out to around a 3 percent hidden “Trump bump.”


The hidden factors in the 2020 AD election are F & F, that would be Fear and Frustration. Take for example Trump States like South Dakota, their fear is they do not want Joe Biden turning them into New York, where the people there are frustrated with the liberals forcing them to wear masks.

Donald Trump is showing the children it is safe to go outside and play. Joe Biden is lecturing the children that he is going to keep them locked up in their rooms telling them they are going to die. This election is on Hope and Fear.
Rich trolls who have zero self esteem and are joined at he pelvis to their cell phones, answer polls. People who work and are not going to waste time on the phone are not ever going to be sampled. The correct polling is who is wearing masks 24 hours a day and who is not. The mask wearers will vote for Biden while the non mask wearers will vote for Trump.

I will address the obvious in the President was winded after walking the hundreds of yards from Marine One and up to the second floor of the White House climbing stairs. As someone who had this virus, I reported here that it took about 2 weeks for me to get my wind back. Many people have experienced that, but I never shut up in talking as that was not affected. I never stopped doing chores or going for walks as I had to, and there were not any adverse reactions as the lung capacity came back and I have been digging like a gopher in our cellar to build a mason stove.

Joe Biden is pure repression. His voters are the Obama Soros terrorists, and the United States does not have a majority of the paid for protest trolls.

The same polls with the same numbers in 2016 told you that Hillary Clinton was going to win. They were wrong just like they are wrong now. I know Biden is revealing the ballot stuffing margins in states which are illegal votes, so he can steal this election, but the President has 33% Republicans. He has a 15% good look factor which always polls in an election. He also has a 10 % incumbent factor. That is 58% polling.

The President recieved a 15% bump in contracting Coronavirus. He will pick up a point a day for the last 8 days as President before the election. I do not believe that Joe Biden can over come those numbers, no matter how faked, and no matter how fraud voted.

Nuff Said
