As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I really have a disconnect with the modern intellectuals as they are all quasi Ben Affleck. They put on this Dan Rather constipated for thought, and then reveal what complete morons they are.
Cusack with election meddling, was out on interview with another Mockingbird moron in the program What the Fuck. Yes that is really high brow intelligence there.
Cusack's main line was that Trump was Hitler in style. I do not quite get the historical connection as Adolf Hitler actually made Germany great again in he kept his promises, while Cusack goes on to state that Donald Trump:
“He’s saying, ‘I’m going to make America great and the future’s going to be a return to the past. Now, it’s a past that never existed. I’m lying. Everything I say is a lie.’”
So John Cusack is saying that Trump is like Hitler, but Hitler kept his promises, but Trump is a liar, without examples, but that does not matter to the quasi intellectual as his constipation for thought produces this.
Cusack went on to describe Trump’s political art style as “kistch futurism,”
For the record, I did a Google Translate search, and the word KITSCH is not German, even if it is a "loan" word. What it is, is something Cusack heard while pretending to have intelligence and heard it from someone else trying to sound intelligent, so Cusack became a parrot and thought on What the Fuck, he would spew it out to the morons who would all nod and pretend they knew what the hell he was blathering on about, as that group all has shit for brains.
Kitsch - Wikipedia
Kitsch (/ k ɪ tʃ / KITCH; loanword from German) is art or other objects that, generally speaking, appeal to popular rather than "high art" tastes.Such objects are sometimes appreciated in a knowingly ironic or humorous way. The word was first applied to artwork that was a response to certain divisions of 19th-century art with aesthetics that favored what later art critics would consider to
So what Cusack is apparently in trying to sound German, in comparing Donald Trump to a Jewish Austrian (not being anti semite at all) is that Trump is taking America to a future of popular art.
Cusack is not aware that the term kitsch means to appreciate in an ironic and humorous way. George Carlin would be Kitsch Comedy. Never mind though as this is the mind of John Cusack attempting to sound intelligent in a foreign language, when he is incapable in English.
As Cusack and the host were circle jerking to each other, this spew ejaculated out.
Maron agreed with Cusack’s assessment, saying Trump is “really good at fascist theater.” The actor pointed to the president’s rallies as an example. “He compares immigrants, people of color or people protesting to vermin or cockroaches. You know, ‘These human beings are pestilence, they’re subhuman, they should be eradicated.’”
Cusack continued, “The first time he tore a child away from their mother’s arms and put them in a cage, this wasn’t a reality TV show anymore. This was real fascism.
The problem with the above is President Donald Trump never compared people to vermin, never said they were subhuman or should be eradicated. This is what is in the liberal mind and they are not listening, but instead projecting.
Cusack should be aware and is, but ignores the fact that is was Barack Hussein Obama who was tearing children away from parents and putting them into cages, not President Donald Trump.
There is a madness a derangement about these quasi intellectuals, in nothing they say matches reality.
John Cusack is involved with a democratic party which told Blacks to go out and expose themselves to a pandemic.
Cusack supported Obama Biden in the slaughter of 500,000 Arabs and Christians in Syria.
Cusack supported Obama Biden who funded the Wuhan weapon's lab which caused this pandemic.
Cusack has been part of a movement that his slaughtered over 6 million infants, a number of them in a Black Genocide.
........and according to John Cusack, Donald Trump is the Hitler problem in this, when the President is moving to protect life and has completed real peace treaties between Jews and Sunni Arabs.
This is the Joe Biden voter. They burn not forests in protest and call themselves green. They beat up, rob and rape people, and say they want reparations. They shattered the Constitution, because they refused to accept the results of 2016 elections.
Most of these Clinton and Obama lunatics have gone silent in having a note of shame in the murderous and destructive policies they have supported. Not John Cusack though, he is not interested in facts, but is interested in destroying the thin blue line which protects him from the mob.
The reality is though, that Joe Biden or Kamala Harris are incapable of forcing America together. The police state in corporate employment will not be capable of threatening the 1/3rd of Americans who hold America together, to continue to hold America together. There will be a great silence across America in this silent storm.
John Cusack will lose in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, not matter what the election outcome is, for his leaders will produce a political storm which will not be political and if he loses, America will win, but it will be an America which Webster Griffin Tarpley stated was planned for in a communist and socialist rule of America.
Nuff Said