Monday, October 5, 2020

Welcome Home Mr. President


I got sick, and I'm still 1000 times the man of Joe Biden was, is or ever will be.




BETHESDA, Md. -- President Donald Trump said Monday he's leaving the military hospital where he has been treated for COVID-19 and will continue his recovery at the White House.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The President is returning to the White House for recuperation. His vitals reported are those of a 17 year old. He has a remarkable physical condition.
He has his fourth dose for Remdisver today and will receive the 5th at the White House tomorrow.

It is wonderful that the President has cut the red tape for billions of people. His implementing treatments which are experimental and his quick recovery reveals that this is now the established protocol for treating those with L Strain Coronavirus.


The President gets it, in how to help everyone to end this virus with treatment and there is no longer anything to fear for anyone, including the horrid liberals who have been nothing but unAmerican in this, less than Kim Jong Un's memos.

Welcome Home Mr. President.

Nuff Said
