"[President] Xi Jinping has been talking increasingly about this notion
that China has a mandate of heaven to rule the world," Chang explained.
"They [believe that they] not only have the right to do it, they have
the obligation to do it.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
My children will remember that as President Donald Trump was dining on beautiful chocolate cake with Dictator Xi, that this blog was stating that peace with Russia was a top priority as China was the real threat, as the Bush family built this communist dragon in the 1990's, Bil Clinton fed it, and Barack Hussein Obama admired it as his favorite country and bowed to it.
Gordon Chang has been mirroring the information posted here, in China is operating on a limited time window which has become shorter with their Coronavirus Wuhan biological weapon. China's population will reach Age Limit in 2050 AD in the year of our Lord, With the Obama global depression and nations abandoning China, Peking is mirroring Tokyo in the 1930's. China's PLA knows the nation is dying and eating the world. The only salvation China has is to kill America, cripple India, destroy Australia, and occupy those Continents to feed and provide expansion of it's population as China moves to the moon to provide mining production to empower itself.
"I think China believes it needs to move fast and that means we’re going to see problems not in the 2030s, we’re going to see problems now."
China is preparing for American quick strike warfare, air warfare, relying on it's long range bombers and transports, shipping to supply their invading army, and the 5th column of Chinese dumped into Australia, America and Canada to cripple those nations from within.
China is facing a necessary concentrated effort to destroy the United States, due to the problems in it's military structure due to India. India for some reason, when China attempted to bully India out of border lands, fought back in hand to hand deadly combat and killed the Chicoms in mass.
India has proven that it is superior racially to the Chinese. India has the numbers, so there is not going to be any Yalu swarm over Americans and the United Nations in North Korea in hordes overwhelming the number of defenders. China has been shunted by India, and should realize that it can not take on India.
This leaves China with Japan, in which it could not have enough of an arsenal left if it took on Tokyo. Therefore China must by pass the Earthquake islands of Japan, Philippines and Taiwan. China must strike Guam, Hawaii and the Aleutians to gain Alaskan oil.
In a like wave, China must directly invade Australia, as a forward operating base and supply of rice. China must not do what Japan did in island hopping and leaving Midway and Hawaii, because as Doolittle's Raiders proved, Japan was vulnerable, and this forced Japan to once again focus on America, which was the Coral Sea campaign to take Australia, which was too late, and then Midway and Hawaii, by which time, Japan had wasted too much time and resources in Indochina attempting to link up with German and Italian forces on the hinterlands of India.
China is dying as Japan was in 1939. China must move to attack and it is logical they will strike US satellites in this process to attempt to blind the United States. China has a 30 day optimum window to succeed. China will require 30 million troops to take and hold the Mideast, 30 million to take and hold Alaska, and 30 million to take and hold Australia. China will require an additional 50 million to hold the Indian frontier and another 50 million to deal with Japan, Taiwan, Philippines and Indochina. That is a 200 million man Biblical army.
This army will eat nations as victims to feed itself and create such a global expansion that the United States and what is left of the world, even with mass destruction weapons, will not have enough resources to defeat the occupied Chinese lands.
China was a doctrine of mass casualty weapons. Concentrate Chinese PLA in military coastal points and choke points, and there are not enough bullets to kill them or bombs to driven them out. That leaves atomic and other WMD weapons. China though moving in 30 days would have too large of front for the United States to retaliate against. The question would be, does one defend America in Alaska and project to Australia or to the Mideast? The counter is, then that the United States would not have enough firepower to obliterate China and yet defend against Russia.
Obliterating China can not bring a nuclear winter to the world.
This is the 21st century order of battle for the Chicom. It can not repeat the Japanese mistakes and it must as it's progression reveals, project to the world in creating too wide for front and using space as a weapon's and energy platform.
The old Anglo American maxim of "You can not allow the Russians and Chinese to ally" is as relevant as "One can not allow the Russians and Germans to ally for a free Europe". The Russian and Chinese alliance is in place, and this is not a Tri Polar world, but a Bi Polar world, of a mongrelized United States becoming 3rd world as it is Obama Soros rid of White Protestant majority, leading the worthless peoples of Canada, Europe and Australia, who do not have the manpower and manufacturing to fight a Russian Chinese alliance.
The moves are in place in the Trump Mideast to counter the Iranian led Shia, by the Jewish led Sunni. Checkmating China and Russia in the Mideast to an Iranian concentration point, is removing from this alliance a key operational zone. India arming and showing she can fight, adds to the checking of China and Russia. This forces China to by pass the Orient and strike the United States and Australia directly, in Alaska for oil and Australia for raw resources and rice.
China occupies those zones and expands in air transporting their cancerous Mongoloids as an occupying settler groups, expands it's 30 day survival to 90 days, providing China gains oil and food. China does this, and China expands to 365 days, and if China expands to 365 days, while the Obama Intifada assists in America, China will have enough cancer colonies in the body of the world to overcome the United States in a long term vermin racial dominance of the world.
Recommendations from the poor orphan girl project in addition to the Sunni nuclear mideast and the rising of India to regional superpower are three points:
- Japan must join with Australia to create a 5000 warhead nuclear arsenal with Japan building a class of nuclear submarines and stealth bombers.
- The United States can not allow a Chinese landing zone in it's territories or states. Kinetic weapons or nuclear weapons must be deployed immediately to kill the Chicom host once it lands.
- The United States with neutron or kinetic weapons must obliterate ANTIFA city states in which the Chicom 5th column will sabotage the American 48 as was the necessity in Lincoln's War against Americans.
Once again, this is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said
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