Saturday, October 31, 2020

What the hell........Sean Connery died years ago



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


This Mandella Effect is really starting to piss me off, in I know Sean Connery has been dead for years, because I read it, and thought, "I really don't give a shit that this cranky Scot is dead".

And so I go on a Twitter link just now and it says Connery died today at age 90.




My dead Sean Connery memory is, I heard he died, read he died, did not care he died and it happened like a decade ago, and I was sorry the old sod died and left me feeling like.....he just scarred the earth.

He was backing that Scotland out of the UK shit and going all radical. See he hated guns......I remembered that and found the link. Probably liked monkey sex like Harry the Duc of Sussex.
