As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As this Lame Cherry stated in 2017 AD in the year of our Lord in the betrayal of those murdered by DACA foreign vermin, that I was done with supporting Donald Trump after a series of defectum erectio, as I believed Donald Trump in:
He would end Obamacare
He would not have people earning poverty wages pay taxes (Under 50,000 dollars)
He would secure America's borders.
All I desired was his to keep his promises in three issues and I would support him completely.
In discussions with Richard and Stephanie, in Stephanie making valid points as she always does, TL and I began discussing things Trump, as TL was even more not looking to mark the box for him than I was. I frankly was going to quit voting this year as I detest politicians and as a gun dealer who is a Trump supporter and Republican voter told me last week, "You can't believe either the Republicans or the Democrats". In those discussions though, TL and I figured we could lie to ourselves or brier patch stretch the Truth.
You know like, "It's not that cold out today".. "You know this doesn't taste that bad"
So let us revisist Donald John Trump as President on the Lame Cherry issues.
While the President did not end Obamacare so when whoever gets in there next, it is in full function mode, the President did end the penalty, which is coming back with Joe Biden retroactively penalizing people.
It was John the hero McCain who lied to America and voted to keep Obamacare that the Bush fraud, Bunghole John Roberts rewrote the Constitution to keep rationed death around.
The Lame Cherry can lie to herself in saying that President Trump kept his promise and ended Obamacare.
The poor not paying taxes is still on the books as that peckerhead Gary Cohen for Goldman Sachs rewrote the tax law for the rich and gave kept Obama's record taxes on poor people.
Well the Chinese Wuhan plague came along as a biological weapon threw things into poor folks favor. We got money from the Government from Donald Trump. Granted the Treasure cheated me out of my tax deduction for TL, and it took Richard and Stephanie being more than kind in paying Donald Trump's way, along with my vehicle insurance being given back by the insurance company for 6 months, so it comes to this point:
The Lame Cherry can lie to herself in saying that President Donald Trump did not have me paying income taxes this year thanks to Richard and Stephanie.
Ok, so that leaves securing American borders. The foreign vermin are still poring in. Nothing has changed. The American Genocide continues, but once again it is something I can lie to myself over.
The Lame Cherry can lie to herself and say that Donald Trump built his wall, and the borders are secure.
So in this corrupt world, I can say that Donald Trump is not Jesus in keeping his word, but as a politician, God came close enough to keeping the President's word for him. It is ludicrous to endorse someone for office, as if that matters really. That is what leftists at the CIA publications do to blackmail politicians with their support in enslaving candidates. I though will list the things I admire about Donald Trump.
The Lame Cherry admires that Donald Trump did a really good job in this biological weapon attack. Compared to Obama letting folks die or Biden calling for suffocating everyone, the President with Peter Navarro and Jared Kushner, got funding for what needed to be funded and coordinated things for the good of Americans, all the while the Obama Intifada and the Molotov Mob were trying to tear things down.
The Lame Cherry admires that the President has had coups performed against him, and he flourished.
The Lame Cherry admires the President, the First Lady and Barron, in their leadership in being infected deliberately with Coronavirus Wuhan, and not just surviving, but the President took experimental drugs to progress past the FDA bans so they will become available for Americans soon.
I admire that the President with this attempt on his life, is back on the campaign trail, not hiding in a basement like Joe Biden, not looking to take rights away from Americans as Ronald Reagan did when Hinkley was shooting at him President Donald Trump has become even more robust and a zealot for liberty and freedom. That reveals what a brave heart he has in his true character.
So I can lie to myself about political things, and I can admire President Donald Trump in his leadership, which brings the Lame Cherry to the statement that on election day in November, TL and I will be voting for President Donald Trump, and all the worthless ass Republicans who have been betraying me in our State. I have no hopes for the Nazi GOP, but as I stated in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, Donald Trump was the only horse in the wilderness to ride out. He still is that only Jehu person driving furiously.
It will be more easy to accept what is coming from President Trump, than the pedo Biden or the sodden Harris. A palm reader said that Mike Pence will not be President and will just fade away. That though is the future and voting for Donald Trump as President will be easier to slide down that rabbit hole that Alice has made.
Donald Trump for President 2020.
Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said