As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I read these pissy liberals always threatening to leave America if someone they don't like is elected President and then the shit heads never do.
Bruce Springsteen: I'll be 'on the next plane' to Australia if Trump wins ∞ thehill
The Lame Cherry makes and offer to Bruce Springsteen and all this other trash, that if their communist Joe Biden wins, they can put their money where their mouth is, and send me out of the country. That way Homeland, NSA, FBI and whatever else will not have to spy on me or visit me again for writing Christian things.
These liberals spend fortunes donating money to politicians like Nancy Pelosi, who never do a damn thing. They want America ended as the Founders want it. They hate Trump and his mouth, so would it not be a humane thing to buy out Conservatives in the United States, and we will all be gone, with our guns, our Bibles and possessions.
So that is my offer. I'm an agrarian . I know the soil and I know animals. Being a Prophetess is not my trade. So all Bruce or whatever other liberal in government where they create money by a keyboard touch, has to do is if Joe Biden steals this election, to donate to TL and myself, enough to ship us, our animals, and things to Argentina, along with a suitable ranch on the pampas where I will manage it for wildlife and being in a German community there, I will never be heard from again.
I like the people of Argentina.
So that my challenge to liberals. You want America. You agree to reparations for Blacks. Do the right thing and buy out Conservatives and we will be gone.
Nuff Said