As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry will have more on the Coronavirus attack against the President to incapacitate him in the coming days, but other journalists are picking up the story in the Editor of Canada Free Press is making the point in why did the Debate Commission not warn the Trump's that a host of plague spreaders were in Cleveland?
The Lame Cherry wants to know, what the odds are that multiple people, from different regions, just happened to all be carrying the plague into Cleveland, to be booger vials for those who would spread the virus at the Debate?
“As the cases involve people in and out of state some of whom may be continuing to travel, the City of Cleveland is working with the Ohio Department of Health (ODH), the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Cleveland Clinic,” the city said in a statement. “As part of CDPH’s process regarding COVID-19, any individuals who tested positive as part of the debate were contacted, interviewed when possible, issued isolation orders and provided guidance regarding their isolation period.Judi McCleod
Canada Free Press
As the Molotov Media has joined in trying to put Donald Trump in the grave, from Chris JewZ Wallace and Mediaite, they have provided inadvertently information of this snot assassination attempt. In knowing this virus, that it comes in the Lethal L Strain and the Inocultant S Strain, I had assumed that as Hope Hicks had exposed the Trumps as the first lying reports surfaced, that the President was like the 40,000 people daily contracting this virus. That assessment has been negated as the President's Physician, the most professional, Dr. Sean Conley, has provided more information, proving this was not S Strain.
What the Lame Cherry has pieced together is the President had tested positive earlier than was revealed. It was discounted as he was showing no symptoms. Then suddenly he was hit like a ton of bricks, like cholera would, another feces transmitted virus, and his condition deteriorated from being tired Thursday afternoon, to the post of the First Couple having the virus, to his having a 103 degree fever early Friday, with a cough.
This blog is convinced in this virus to accelerate at this rate, it was deliberately given to the fisrt couple, and for it to be the feces L Strain, that it was a target exposure to Donald Trump.
I will have more of the ins and out of the reason for this in the coming days, but from how fast this progressed, this was a high dose exposure in something the President ingested.
Late Friday morning, when I returned to the bedside, the president had a high fever and his oxygen saturation was transiently dipping below 94%. Given these two developments, I was concerned for possible rapid progression of the illness. I recommended the president would try supplemental oxygen, see how he would respond. He was fairly adamant that he didn’t need it. He was not short of breath. He was tired, had the fever and that was about it.
After about a minute, on only two liters, his saturation levels were over 95%. He stayed on that for about an hour, maybe, and was off and gone. Later that day, by the time the team here was at the bedside, the president had been up out of bed, moving about the residence, with only mild symptoms. Despite this, everyone agreed the best course of action was to move to Walter Reed for more thorough evaluation and monitoring.
In knowing this virus, that it comes in the Lethal L Strain and the Innocultant S Strain, I had assumed that as Hope Hicks had exposed the Trumps as the first lying reports surfaced, that the President was like the 40,000 people daily contracting this virus. That assessment has been negated as the President's Physician, the most professional, Dr. Sean Conley, has provided more information, proving this was not S Strain.
What the Lame Cherry has pieced together is the President had tested positive earlier than was revealed. It was discounted as he was showing no symptoms. Then suddenly he was hit like a ton of bricks, like cholera would, another feces transmitted virus, and his condition deteriorated from being tired Thursday afternoon, to the post of the First Couple having the virus, to his having a 103 degree fever early Friday, with a cough.
This blog is convinced in this virus to accelerate at this rate, it was deliberately given to the fisrt couple, and for it to be the feces L Strain, that it was a target exposure to Donald Trump.
I will have more of the ins and out of the reason for this in the coming days, but from how fast this progressed, this was a high dose exposure in something the President ingested.
As the present situation indicates in that twister Chief of Staff Mark Meadows giving death bed confessions to the press, the President responded wonderfully by the swift treatment of his medical team.
The President knew he had been attacked as he asked if he was going out like his friend in New York from this biological weapon.
By Friday the President was already improving as he moved to Walter Reed, and was keeping busy, as that is important to stay mobile with this lung infection to keep them clear. His oxygen levels dipped and thankfully his physician prescribed oxygen, not that the Presdient needed it, but because oxygen kills this virus in the lungs. This virus needs an O2 deprived environment to replicate, and when oxygen levels are up, the virus dies.
The therapies the President was placed on were proven in a "cocktail" of antibodies, histamines and vitamins, minerals and melatonin. He responded wonderfully and the doctors are pondering an early release.
That is much to the chagrin of those who want the President done in in this coup plot, as they say the Day 8 is important. The fact is the President was not exposed at the White House in the Rose Garden 9 days ago. The window of his deliberate exposure with the First Lady was in secure quarters
To be blunt. L Strain was harvested out of a human rectum and the sample was smeared on whatever the the First Couple touched or ingested. From his symptoms and the onset which did not prove serious as in Boris Johnson or lethal in Senator Glanzer on Day 8, Day 8 for the President was probably Friday, and the Doctors suspect this, and that means the President and First Lady were infected around the Thursday before the Rose Garden ceremony.
This blog believes that the Rose Garden, Hope Hicks and Cleveland were the Book Depository cover for the real exposure. There are now questions as to why Chris JewZ Wallace was harping about masks at the debate, Perhaps his group had information that the First Couple had been exposed on that Thursday and were never to have been well enough for the debate appearance. As stated, this poor orphan girl will have more on this in the coming days in breaking this story.
As a side note, today was the second time the Holy Ghost was giving me the verse in King Zedekiah promising in secret that Jeremiah the Prophet would not be murdered and would have protection. God would have known this was coming in the time line and it was not until last Friday that I started being stirred inside, that this event was a deliberate attack upon the President.
My hope in this coup attempt, that the President becomes enraged and stirs himself a legal scorched earth to go after this group as the only way one gets L Strain is by someone feeding you shit.
COS Mark Meadows played the Howard Baker foil in this, just as Baker tried to bring down Ronald Reagan. Meadows was moving to spread hysteria and bring down the President, and this all goes back to Mike Pence being installed as President, as that coup plotter has been at this since day one.
As I know nothing of this, except like you the propaganda news posts, and I do not want any more Homeland, FBI or Secret Service visits, I place it to your logical projections in what it would take for someone to collect feces from a lethal strain, and then get into the inner sanctum to infect the First Couple, and how many would it take to infect people across the nation to appear at Cleveland for a cover, provide the same cover story for the Barrett Rose Garden ceremony, and then infect enough of the Trump campaign and inner circle, to provide more conspiracy story reporting by an all too conspiring press. You could not do this, so who could?
This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said