Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Barr None For Biden


If your name is Biden, Obama, Clinton and Bush, the safest place
to be is me investigating you.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


It is becoming evident who William Barr is.

William Barr informed us that he wanted to know how this set up of Donald Trump began.


Now what was that Bush man, as that is who Barr is, the guy who wrote an illegal finding that the United States had jurisdiction in other nations, where US laws do not apply, to arrest their dope kingpins like Manuel Noriega.

Again what was Barr after? He was after what Robert the protector of America Mueller was after, in Mueller was protecting the Missing Link and William Barr was looking for the Missing Link.

Now look at what Barr issued orders on in Joe Biden stealing this election. Look at the words closely as it is like with John Durham, in Barr issued orders with limits, so that in a few weeks, Barr can come forward and say, "Hey we investigated this and there is no evidence of any Biden vote theft".


"I authorize you to pursue substantial allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities prior to the certification of elections in your jurisdictions in certain cases, as I have already done in specific instances," Barr said in the memorandum on Monday.

SaysBarr added that inquiries and reviews may be launched if there are clear and credible allegations of voting irregularities, that if true, could possibly impact the outcome of a federal election in a US state.

Barr said serious allegations of voting and vote tabulation irregularities should be handled with great care, adding that allegations that are speculative or far-fetched claims should not be a basis for initiating federal inquiries.


Barr is giving cover for the Bush family who are part of this. The Bush family was turning back the vote counter in Florida in 2000 against Al Gore. They used it against John Kerry and then in a deal, as they hated John the hero McCain, handed 10 million GOP votes over to Birther Hussein Obama twice.

The plan in 2016 was for Jeb,to win,  but Jeb could not get more than 3 votes from his mother and in that the computer flipping software could not work those kinds of number miracles. 

Which brings us to this Bush Obama Biden deal to get Donald Trump. The fix was in and now it is William Barr's time to earn his whore's wage. John Robert's earned his prostitute pay in setting this up with illegally allowing late votes in and now William Barr is going to say that there are not any crimes, when everyone knows there were more criminal votes cast for Joe Biden in the swing states than legitimate ones.

So don't hold your breath on William Barr. He has not come through with jack or shit on anything. His entire purpose was about the Missing Link and now he is under orders to hide what the NSA, CIA have in their nation flipping arsenal of Hammer and Scorecard. This is national security and the DOJ can not be telling Americans and the world, that Joe Biden with the Bush family, had the CIA with British MI6 overthrowing the Presidential election, just as they did for Obama twice, and overthrew all the Congressional races in 2008 to 2018.

The President is well aware of what William Barr and Christopher Wray are about, just like John Brennan, in they are in a sweat in what is the classified files as this is where all the skeletons are in this sanctioned US operation.


This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter


Nuff Said

