Friday, November 6, 2020

Biden has Destroyed the United States



 Trump Campaign: “The Election is Not Over.” Will Challenge “Phony” Claim Joe Biden Won   lifenews


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 When the polls closed on election day November 3rd, Donald Trump had won Virginia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and Arizona, but the traitor media for Joe Biden had already given Arizona to Biden by lying about the number of votes which were still to be counted.

By 4 AM, November 4th, 400,000 ballots had appeared in Virginia for Joe Biden, over 150,000 had appeared in Michigan and Wisconsin for Joe Biden and by November 6th, hundreds of thousands more Biden ballots had appeared in Georgia and Pennsylvania.

None of these ballots were legitimate, any more than the 900,000 that day voters registered in Wisconsin were legitimate.

It required 4 days, but Joe Biden and his conspirator crooks literally stole an election from thee elected President of the United States. In that Joe Biden had destroyed the United States as liberals will smugly cheer over cheating in thinking they won, but the fact is the armed one half of this American nation is NEVER going to trust another election again, nor vote.

This may sound like a victory, but when a people no longer believe in free and fair elections, they start on a path of finding ways to not pay taxes. They find ways to not cooperate with the government as the Trump voters were already not cooperating with pollsters. It is a subtle erosion.The police will stop answering calls in liberal voting areas.  People will stop being productive in production will fall off. Instead of keeping the law, they will find ways to get ahead without being caught in breaking the law.

When liberals cheat, and use laws to criminalize Americans or steal elections, there is no reason for an American to obey the law, except when they are on camera.



 NY postal carrier arrested at Canadian border with 800 pieces of mail, including absentee ballots

 Trump: Supreme Court Should Decide Election   max


Republicans & House Races: GOP Women Lead the Way   nro '


Of course the Republican Conservatives were elected to Congress, unseating dozens of democrats, so there is not any way that Joe Biden beat Donald Trump, when the democrats took a beating. What is being engineered now against the People is what Obama Bush did in the magic House, where Pelosi will rule and Schumer will rule in stolen elections with Joe Biden the election thief in charge.

They think they are going to pass laws, but what was done to Donald Trump will move Americans to not obey those laws in any form they can. China's stock market and paper tiger currency is spiking in joy over Joe Biden stealing this election, for the reason that China knows America is doomed and China has a road now to dominate the world.

What is coming from the election thieves of Biden, Pelosi and Schumer?

The penalties of Obamacare and the wiping out of your seeing a doctor.

Oil production will end.

Biden Green will be like Obama green in destroying the economy to oblivion as it pays out to the billionaire cronies.

Independent food production will end. Joe Biden has put forward a policy where farmers will not own the land, and will instead be employed by the government and told what to grow in production quotas.

The stock market will crash and a reset will come, which will require no one to buy or sell, unless they do so with digital currency. Your money and investments will be gone.

Forced face masks, forced vaccinations, and no more working from home. You will get out as you are expendable.

300 million more foreigners will be dumped into the United States.

Wholesale amnesty for those 300 million, joining the 150 million foreigners inside America, getting Obama first place in line.

FBI and BATFE stings of Conservatives set up by FBI moles and murdered as examples.

The criminalizing gun owners in AR 15's will be banned and confiscated.

Donald Trump will be prosecuted to stop his or his children's attempt to run for office in 2024 AD in the year of our Lord.

The Supreme Court will be expanded, and not just expanded, but Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Barrett will be arrested first, and then impeached and convicted in the Biden Congress.


The democrats rigged this voting system from 2016 AD in the year of our Lord onward. They did it with fraud ballots and they did it with fraud electronic voting.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Biden Scorecard



Battleground State GOP Sends Thousands of Voter Fraud Cases to the Department of Justice   townhall 



  The only way Donald Trump can prevail is to have the Biden illegal votes thrown out.  He has been handed the scraps of Arizona, as Astrowhiz has stolen the election from Senator McSally. Looking to the Supreme Court with John Roberts already having legalized fraud vote counting is seeing Russia from here.

Recounts will not work as the fraud is in Scorecard e vote dumps and fake ballots. Unless those ballots were all watermarked by the military, those ballots will be judged legal. So counting illegal votes is where this all started.

Joe Biden has already been named the winner. Now what follows is what this blog stated is on the Obama Intifada agenda, in mass riots in DC, to make it so unsafe that President Trump either is in the bunker or is forced to flee DC. They want that image and they want that to intimidate Americans.

There are going to be crackdowns, and it will either be the President shattering this created Marxist mob of this Intifada will crackdown on Americans, so the police state will be engaged to smash Americans when they begin to respond in defending themselves as this summer of Obama protest proved.

As this blog stated, Donald Trump if he is interested in the rule of law, needs to sign an executive order, federalizing the 60 million gun owners, organizing them state by state, and giving them authority to arrest and take control and immunity against prosecution.  A national law enforcement officer, as in the President's New York Police friend would lead this restoration of America, but America would forever change, as we are entering a civil strife phase, where foreigners are cancer eating your future alive and liberals are activating the police state to obliterate your rights.

With the surveillance you paid for, this will be turned against you as under Obama. It would be futile to resist as they will pick you off like Lawrence Sinclair and mark you for death or life in prison. As this is the Soviet and Sino system, your liberal friends are going to be paid to turn you in and they will report you, if your idiot phone is not picking up for the NSA everything you say and do now.

As this moves south, I will look to Jesus as this pagan system is not what I will support. I'm forced to obey their laws. I'm forced to pay my IRS taxes. Having rendered that to these crooks, I will survive as this Biden system can not survive. Once liberals experience their utopia, even they can not snort enough coke to make it all bearable. 

With Biden there is war coming now, and defeat.  Russia, China, Iran and NATO will glean from Biden all they can, before shoving the knife in.  China will advance. Russia will advance and the Great Eurasian War is coming.

Trump would have had American survive, but the rot of America is thorough and under this despot Biden, defeat in absolute surrender of the United States is in the offing.

Perhaps the President can pull this out of the smoke and mirrors, but he is dealing with dishonest people, and recounting fraud votes gets you the same tally that has Joe Biden as the winner. If the illegal votes are not neutralized, if Donald Trump does not deputize his base as federal law enforcement, he will be driven from the White House and Steve Bannon can talk about Trump running in 2024 AD, and no will care, because just like Sarah Palin abandoned the fight, Americans will never follow anything Trump again in 2024 AD in the year of our Lord.

You win this now, because with Biden in office controlling all the voting machine and legalizing 300 million American hating foreigners, the GOP is dead as a party and will be criminalized.

 I really should inquire into this, but have no time.


Nuff Said



