Monday, November 9, 2020

Biden Vote Fraud In Michigan Mirrors Biden "Victories" In Other States



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


In eyewitness evidence of criminal vote fraud in Detroit, Governor Whitmer of Michigan is joining a list of the most absolute despots in American history. In the following exclusives in court order affidavits, Detroit was predating absentee ballots sent out and then back dating them when they arrived after the elections.

There is even references to mass examples of people not presenting identification, which means that Biden voters were sent out to vote multiple times in different areas, along with the reality that the voting machines were showing people had already voted and were still being counted.






 The Lame Cherry will remind everyone that Joe Biden started this criminal fraud in New Hampshire which reported 80% of the population voting, which never happens. Biden set that stage, so when it was taking place in the swing states it would appear the masses turned out to vote, when in reality masses of vote pirates had been dispatched to bring in millions of votes for Joe Biden across the nation.

The fact is Donald Trump's vote was suppressed but still beat Obama's record setting vote, and in order to steal the election from Donald Trump, Biden had to surpass even Obama's cheat record, which was surged by flipping 10 million GOP voters for Obama in the Bush Rove machine.

Michigan can not certify this election by the crooked Secretary of State. Michigan must resort to Constitutional Law and have the State Legislature award the electoral college delegates to Donald Trump and not this crook Joe Biden.

The Lame Cherry again makes the point stressed from the American Thinker in Joe Biden is stuck at his 270 votes. Without Michigan, Joe Biden is the pre mature ejaculation of the fraud MSM, and this now goes to the US House, where Donald Trump will be elected President as the Founders created this checks and balances system against Joe Biden fraud.

Michigan's vote is nothing but fraud for Joe Biden and Biden operatives destroying Trump ballots. This must go to the Michigan House on this evidence.


Detroit Resident Brags On Facebook - 'I work for
Wayne Co, MI and I threw out EVERY Trump ballot
I saw - Tens of thousands of them and so did all of
my co-workers'


 Just under 10,000 confirmed DEAD PEOPLE returned
absentee ballots (For Biden) in Despicable Michigan

 Wayne County in Michigan must be entirely nullified as fraud.

Joe Biden  2,790,648

Donald Trump*  2,644,525
Subtract  the 587,074 crooked votes from Joe Biden.
Subtract the 244, 249 votes from Donald Trump

And the Michigan end vote would be Joe Biden 2.203,574

Donald Trump would be, 2,400, 276

President Donald Trump wins Michigan as he did before the Biden crime machine inserted fraud ballots.

Nuff Said
