Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Biden's Vertical Line

 It's jazz hands me the jizz on the jazz...

 In both Michigan and Wisconsin, the Trump team is investigating a suspicious spike in votes for Biden in the overnight hours that padded the Democrats lead by both of those states by over 150,000 votes each. These anomalies occurred in one ballot dump with not one vote tallied for the President in either.




As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As the hours pass by in the election fraud collusion in the United States on election night, a pattern is revealing itself in FOX news, CNN down to George Noory of Coast to Coast AM were all in on the fix. By Wednesday morning that twat anchor Muir from ABC was creating bogus scenarios that the most important issue to voters was the plague, which somehow Muir was saying is the reason "Trump lost", when the actual data shows that voters placed the plague at #3 on their priorities.

For the astute, Americans watched Mockingbird CIA election overthrow in action. In Virginia, the President was winning as paper ballot GOP areas reported early, where that is not the case, while electronic metro areas never reported, until the Republican votes were counted, then suddenly Joe Biden won that state........a state all the media gave to Biden with Trump ahead.

Minnesota was the opposite. There the electronic voting surged Biden to an impossible vote count. The Muslim Omar won by landslide numbers in this same Biden vertical line of 100% voting, which outstate Minnesota could not overcome in legitimate Republican voters.
Yes 30 year Congressman Colin Peterson was beaten by a woman Republican candidate, but somehow like in all of these states it was the President who lost, while Republicans were winning.

Just as with Hillary Clinton, vote spike dumps appeared at odd times in the voting process. With Donald Trump, America went to bed with Trump ahead, and in the dark hours when votes stopped being counted.....yes Pennsylvania stopped counting at 11 PM and Nevada also put off counting and when the tally resumed, Joe Biden was suddenly receiving 100% ballot boxes being dumped into precincts.

“By the end of this week, it will be clear to the entire nation that President Trump and Vice President Pence will be elected for another four years,” said campaign adviser Jason Miller.

In a call to talk numbers, the campaign said that its data operation believes it will get the votes needed to win in Pennsylvania and Arizona, and, when added to the expected Georgia and North Carolina wins, a second term will be assured.


Besides Jason Miller, GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell are noting the obvious vote fraud by the Biden campaign. Donald Trump had evolved the Republican Party back to the Reagan era of Black, Hispanics and women, and yet with that record turn out, taking votes from Joe Biden, somehow Joe Biden wsa shown to be winning.


McCarthy stressed the President will win re-election after every legal vote is counted. Meanwhile, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said questionable vote counts in several key states are likely to delay the election results and the final decision could be made in the courts.


How Joe Biden was winning was by cheating which involved the media.  The media besides calling Minnesota which inside polling shows was Trump's, also called Arizona. In Arizona a problem arose for ABC and FOX, when it was revealed that Arizona only counted heavy liberal metropolitan areas, while Republican areas were not counted.

It was easy for Biden to create the illusion of victory as the GOP was not having it's votes counted while Joe Biden and his consorts were having counterfeit votes counted.

ABC News joins FOX News and CNN, among other networks, who have made the error of pre-maturely projecting Arizona for Biden.


The Biden Vertical Line, appeared in Wisconsin in the form of with Donald Trump winning during the day, during the hidden night, 900,000 voters appeared on the ballots boxes, and in another Joe Biden miracle, those 900,000 votes had him defeating Donald Trump.



The fact is, more people voted in Wisconsin than were registered. There are patterns in this, Donald Trump is winning, his votes are known and suddenly a record surge of Biden votes appear. To change the game, sometimes the Republican votes as in Arizona are not counted.

 RUSH: Now, I haven’t been able to confirm this. I happen to think this is probably true. “Wisconsin now has more votes than people who are registered to vote. The total number of registered voters in Wisconsin is” 3,129,000 (round it off). “The total number of votes cast in Wisconsin is” 3,239,920. So 3.1 million registered voters; 3.23 million votes cast. (interruption)


There is a real reason the focus is on legitimate votes, because Donald Trump wins elections with legitimate votes. Joe Biden steals elections with illegitimate like Obama is illegitimate, like Kamala Harris is illegitimate , in votes.

 Donald Trump won Pennsylvania, but his legal team is canvasing Pennsylvania as the Biden fraud voting areas of Philadelphia will be attempting to submit a million votes steal the election there too.



 In retracing this vote fraud, it all goes back to Bunghole John Roberts, sanctioning this vote fraud, along with the liberal lezbos on the court. That is a criminal offense and they should be indicted with warrants for their arrests.
The Supreme Court is now without the Bunghole running interference, and while Catholic Amy Barrett stupidly recused herself causing this Roberts criminal problem, it is hoped this Vatican girl will see the light and take her part in thwarting this criminal conspiracy.

You know the big names in this, Chris Wallace, Joe Biden, George Noory, who were giving the narrative of "we just have to wait and see as Biden is winning and ahead in the electoral college".  How Biden got to that lead, was fraud votes and by not counting states Donald Trump was winning, and which were being infused with fake votes so Biden would be able to steal them as the media ran interference.

These are felonies, actual treason. It is evident across the internet, in as this fraud was being engaged in against the American People, the media was not posting information for people to review. Instead all the public received was "too close to call" or fabricated vote tallies of Biden ahead by hundreds of thousands of votes with most of the precincts already having been counted.


The legal issue is returning to the Supreme Court after the justices refused to get involved in the matter last week.

Newly minted Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the high court’s denial of the Republican Party’s request that the justices expedite their legal challenge.

The justices had split 4-4 on the issue earlier this month, leaving the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling in place, which let votes be counted beyond Nov. 3.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., an appointee of President George W. Bush, sided with the three Democratic-appointed justices to leave the extension intact.

This just did not happen. It spread across Arizona, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nevada, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and North Carolina. This included Republicans who  stole this election for Joe Biden. Just like Buffet BLM and Soros ANTIFA were allowed to rape, burn and murder America in the Obama Intifada, they were sanctioned to those crimes, by the same criminals who are involved in stealing this election for Biden.

There should be hundreds of these conspirators arrested across America. This includes one Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as this is the Democratic National Committee. This is Hillary Clinton ordering Joe Biden to not concede the election months ago.

This was plotted and planned, just as when Barack Hussein Obama's handlers assured South Americans that Obama would be installed over John McCain. When Obama was laundering 300 million in  terror funds in 2008 AD in the year of the Lord which you got stuck paying for in TARP bailouts, as the Bush family overlooked the flipping of 10 million GOP votes for Obama, and helped Al Franken steal a Minnesota Senate seat of Republican Norm Coleman.

What no one is talking about and is relevant, is how many Republicans lost in State and Federal elections when the Biden ballots were created? Senator Martha McSally of Arizona was unseated, so how many other Republicans should be in Congress? Enough to have Republicans in control of the House? Yes Joe Biden's election fraud is causing all sorts of criminal problems for democrats and these hidden Bush Romney McCain GOP trolls.

This does not stop with votes for Donald Trump. This only begins with those votes and the throwing out of democrats elected in those states which are part of this criminal fraud.

Omar the Muslim in Minnesota, is part of a reality, that if you happen to profit from dope sold or elections stole you are an accomplice to the crime. This does not end with the arrest of Joe Biden. Joe Biden and a thousand of his trolls and you know damn certain this is right out of the Bush family and Barack Hussein Obama Inc playbook as they did this all before.

Once a gain, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Trump Should Deploy ICE to Investigate Democrat
non-citizen Illegal voters in Las Vegas (Clark County)

Highest Crimes - Biden Got 100% OF 125,000 VOTES
In WI & MI During Late Night Vote Counting - Impossible

Trump & 68 Million Enraged Watching Communist
States Stealing Election With Treasonous Vote Fraud

MI and WI Election Officials REFUSE To Explain
Sudden, Absurd Biden Vote Surge - Its Called
Criminal Vote Rigging To Throw The Election!

Nuff Said
