Thursday, November 5, 2020

The Proof of Biden Criminal Vote Fraud



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


I have been informed by someone I trust, that the Defense Intelligence Agency watermarked ballots before thee election, which was not known. This will not rectify e vote fraud, but they are saying that this mark is there, and if it is not on ballots, those ballots are fraud.


I revisit the reality that the election in Virginia was fraud. The details are below. This mirrors the fraud in Minnesota, Michigan, Arizona and what is taking place in Georgia.


Trump had a solid lead in Wisconsin when most of us went to bed. But at about 4:00 a.m., a huge sack of 128,000 votes showed up. Every single vote was Joe Biden, none for Trump.

I’m furious about Virginia. What in the flying squirrel circus happened there, guys?

Everyone at every media outlet called Virginia for Joe Biden just moments after the polls closed. But when the votes came in, President Trump took the lead in Virginia, and that lead continued to balloon for hours. Since I had predicted that Virginia was one of the states that Trump would flip red, none of this was surprising to me.

In fact, I emailed my editor about it: “If Trump hits +300,000 with 30% of precincts reporting, it’s mathematically impossible for Biden to catch him.”

And it was mathematically impossible. Trump held a roughly 300,000-vote lead for hours in Virginia. It started narrowing toward approximately midnight EST, but there was still no way for Biden to catch Trump. Then at about 1:00 a.m., a big sack with approximately 400,000 votes for Joe Biden and ZERO votes for Donald Trump showed up in Virginia. Huh. I wonder how the Trump-hating cuckservatives at the Fox News “Decision Desk” predicted that one?


 This was the first I heard about this DIA operation which watermarked ballots. If I was a democrat or that Bungholer John Roberts,  I would be sweating bullet turds about now, because there is a watermark trail which tracks to their crimes and John Roberts was certifying fake ballots to be counted.

Stay tuned.

Trump Might Move Beyond 'Count Every Vote' 'Verify Every Vote'


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