Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Domino One



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I do not bother with noting how much this blog is read. I did though desire to share with my children a snapshot this week of the world in who is on this blog.

What the Lame Cherry is, is unique people, not bots. The only time bots appear, are when someone who has CIA and FBI cover, spoofs countries like Ukraine where Pedo Biden was or Indonesia where Pedo Obama was to link traffic off of porn sites, which triggers Google to cancel Google Pay.....which I have never used as this blog depends on donations.

I have readers in China...........China is closed and yet there are people monitoring there.

I can tell you something though which is important. The CIA enhanced porn spammers from earlier in 2020 have gone silent, as they attempted to shut down the last fringe media. If Joe Biden is winning in his computer election fraud, then why are the spiders in the wire gone silent and are not leaving tracks?

 Why have they gone silent after the Frankfurt raid of the Scytl ghost servers?

Joe Biden is leaving GSA trax.

Down the rabbit hole Alice.
