Sunday, November 29, 2020

Fragile Joe Biden Fractures Ankle


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 Joe Biden is more fragile than any of us has realized, but then he is close to 90 years old, senile and sleeps most of the time, so it should not be a surprise that Joe Biden broke his ankle while playing with his German Shepherd.

President Donald Trump told Joe Biden on Sunday night to 'get well soon' after the president-elect fractured his ankle while playing with his German Shepherd Major.


Let us face the facts in this, that Joe Biden has lost an immense amount of body weight as that is what happens when people get old. They stop eating. The mother's food groups were pop, mints and chocolate. She was barely over 90 pounds when she died. Joe Biden is is the same degrading creature and the fact is he probably barely clears 150 pounds now, and was being jerked around on by a 100 pound German attack dog, so of course his bones were going to break.

When the mother broke her hip, we had to attend instructional classes as I ended up footing the bill on what little savings I had in a 10,000 dollar injection series called Forteo, which is a marvelous medication to grow degraded bones.
In her case, when they pinned her upper femur with a rod, the last screw went into soft bone as it was mush.

The Forteo representative was very knowledgeable in what elderly people go through in breaking bones. My dad always said, "It is not people fall and break a hip, they break a hip and then they fall". The rep explained that people with degraded bones, that you can break their ribs by just hugging them. You simply do not know where in a person's bones that the body will be pulling calcium out of.

In the mother's case, she fell several times the last month, but her bones never broke. The Forteo worked, but her heart was wore out. It is odd that when things go to hell on people, that that is the time they should die, as other things start going down hill and they die from that.

In Joe Biden's case, his mind is gone. We know he has Parkinsons, another brain disease, and now we know that Joe Biden's bones are degrading, as he broke his ankle with a dog just pulling on him.

Ronald Reagan with his brain dementia broke his hip too, and never walked again. The reality is in the precarious age that Joe Biden is, treatments cause other problems to manifest. With the mother, Forteo started an over production of skin growths which had to be dealt with, after she was finished with the daily injections.

Joe Biden is a senile old man. He now is a senile old man that the Secret Service thinks is going to be president, and they can not tell him to stop endangering himself and it appears that Jill Biden has zero control over her senile husband either to keep him from harming himself.

Joe Biden can not control himself. His election theft is proof of that in his whiteness having to beat black Obama in vote counts which exposed Biden's crimes. He is going to have his hands on nuclear launch buttons and each of our lives. Again he can not control his impulses in he injured himself. It is past time that the liberals and #NeverTrumpers leave their derangement behind as all of our lives are at stake here. Cheating Donald Trump out of the Presidency is not worth Jake Tapper's children going nuclear pile of ashes and he should remember his CIA whore's wage is not worth any of this.

Donald Trump won this election, and it is time to stop the election theft of Joe Biden, as he is a crippled old man mentally, physically and morally. America can not withstand any Joe Biden impulses, like appointing only women as his press corp so he can molest them.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
