Sunday, November 29, 2020

Biden's Coming Forced Genetic Altering Injections


Son any son of a bitch commie comes at you with a syringe,
I want you to piss on them like I did the Huns on the Rhine.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


While I have never championed anything Kennedy, the warnings of Robert Kennedy jr. on the problems of the mRNA injections to deal with this biological weapon, Coronavirus are to be taken into account as the science is real.

mRNA is the genetic code to make your cells do things, just like bio weapon Wuhan made cells do things to kill you. What these serums are doing is creating an extension of the bio weapon, which your body's antibodies recognize and produce immunity to this marker.

The problem is this alters your DNA to recognize this spike protein and attack it.

Maybe there is nothing in this and all will be fine, but it is a throw of the dice, as no one knows what the long term effects will be.

The fact is that the President was cured using common methods and cloned antibodies from survivors. Chloroquine with Zinc works as well as Ivomec. I frankly had good enough results in several contractions using Tonic Water, vodka and zinc. (I'm pissed at the non donors in the brier patch as you bastards are reading this blog as all the tonic water is GONE from my store's shelves now and I was the one writing of this treatment and the effects!"

High doses of Vitamin D are also preventative remedies according to published reports.

The point in this is, that no one needs this serum at all any more. This last spike to hide Biden's election theft was deliberately spread to older people in nursing homes. That is the kill rate and the spikes in numbers are false reads on tests which show positive when there is no disease.

TL and I have battled through 5 rounds of this virus for 11 months.  We were deliberately exposed by our keepers and I'm thankful for their efforts for this bleater. For me, the worst of this was the December of last year exposure to the original China bug, and then another exposure in the first quarter of this year, and then the 3rd exposure a month later which brought the red eyes, the chest  tightness and not being able to feel like I was breathing enough was worst. Diarrhea sucks, but we got over that, and I got over this last strain of head pain after 3 days, was really tired and I have noticed the past days here that I was short of breath again. I will heal and have zero doubts on this, as I am not a yearly flu junkie vaccine person.

Yes this virus is out there, but I know people in their 60's who got this and they were not any more put out than having allergies in the summer. Yes older people are dying, but I believe that could be prevented in the above therapies.
I also believe that the elderly were deliberately exposed and that our last two bouts of this was caused by eating prepared foods from a fast food and a bakery. That I would avoid for the next several months.

I also believe Corona will be blamed next year as this  5 G gets cranked up as that wave length stimulates oxygen molecules and most things and it will affect humans until they adjust.

As General George Patton said, "Let some other damn son of a bitch die for Joe Biden and Anthony Fauci, as I don't need that vaccine".


Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Principa Scientific

I would like to draw your attention urgently to important issues related to the next Covid-19 vaccination. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called last generation mRNA vaccines intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which represents the genetic manipulation, something that was already forbidden and until then considered criminal.

This intervention can be compared to genetically manipulated food, which is also highly controversial. Even if the media and politicians currently trivialize the problem and even stupidly call for a new type of vaccine to return to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, and also in terms of genetic damage that, unlike the damage caused by previous vaccines, will be irreversible and irreparable.

Dear patients, after an unprecedented mRNA vaccine, you will no longer be able to treat the vaccine symptoms in a complementary way. They will have to live with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured simply by removing toxins from the human body, just as a person with a genetic defect like Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic cardiac arrest, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc.), because the genetic defect is forever!

This means clearly: if a vaccination symptom develops after an mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist can help you, because the damage caused by the vaccination will be genetically irreversible. In my opinion, these new vaccines represent a crime against humanity that has never been committed in such a big way in history. As Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, an experienced doctor, said: In fact, this “promising vaccine” for the vast majority of people should be FORBIDDEN, because it is genetic manipulation! ”

The vaccine, developed and endorsed by Anthony Fauci and funded by Bill Gates, uses experimental mRNA technology. Three of the 15 human guinea pigs (20%) experienced a “serious adverse event”.

Note: messenger RNA or mRNA is the ribonucleic acid that transfers the genetic code of the DNA of the cell nucleus to a ribosome in the cytoplasm, that is, the one that determines the order in which the amino acids of a protein bind and act as a mold or pattern for the synthesis of that protein.


