Monday, November 30, 2020

President Trump has the last Word

Pennsylvania Bombshell: Biden 99.4% vs. Trump 0.6%


 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In the words of the Defense Intelligence experts, led now by General Michael Flynn, key words keep appearing, in President Trump won the election, won in a landslide and when the Inauguration arrives, it will be President Donald Trump beginning his second term as President of these United States.





Mr. Trump won his race for reelection contrary to it being called for Democratic rival Joseph R. Biden.

“There is no doubt in my mind that he won this election. Hands down. In a landslide,” Flynn said about Mr. Trump during a phone interview that was uploaded to the internet afterward.


“I believe that at the end of the day we’re going to find out that he won by a massive landslide and he’ll be inaugurated come this January,” Flynn stated later during the interview.

There is absolutely no doubt, even in the misinformation of the CIA Mockingbird in their fraudulent debunking, that in every state Biden stole, and this does include New Hampshire, Virginia and Minnesota, that not possible numbers of voter appeared at the polls in mass, and in those numbers there were abnormal ratios of vote dumps for Pedo Joe Biden.


 One analysis has targeted these four incidents of “voter updates”:

1. An update in Michigan listed as of 6:31AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 141,258 votes for Joe Biden and 5,968 votes for Donald Trump

2. An update in Wisconsin listed as 3:42AM Central Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 143,379 votes for Joe Biden and 25,163 votes for Donald Trump

3. A vote update in Georgia listed at 1:34AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 136,155 votes for Joe Biden and 29,115 votes for Donald Trump

4. An update in Michigan listed as of 3:50AM Eastern Time on November 4th, 2020, which shows 54,497 votes for Joe Biden and 4,718 votes for Donald Trump



In numbers reported, 154 million people voted for president in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord.


Biden 80,104,118 

Trump 73,918,712


How Many People Voted in the 2020 Election? - Voter ...

While more people have voted than at any other time in American history, percentage-wise, this number does not quite break records. Given that around 239.2 million Americans were eligible to vote .

That is 74.1 million under age voters. Minus that from 320, and that leaves 245.9 voters. That leaves 75 million people who did not vote.

The states say that there are 14.3 million illegals. It is stated that 15% of them illegally voted for Joe Biden, or 2.145 million.

That is though erroneous as the statistics are fraudulent, and the numbers are closer to this:


So let us back track that there are 34 million criminals in the United States, and and supposedly 296 million people, or around 219 million "eligible voters".

The vote tally was 154 million, minus 219 and that leaves 65 million people did not vote. That leaves a 70% number of Americans who voted. How does this compare historically?

1936 80,174,000 45,647,000 56.9%
1940 84,728,000 49,815,000 58.8%
1944 85,654,000 48,026,000 56.1%
1948 95,573,000 48,834,000 51.1%
1952 99,929,000 61,552,000 61.6%
1956 104,515,000 62,027,000 59.3%
1960 109,672,000 68,836,000 62.8%
1964 114,090,000 70,098,000 61.4%
1968 120,285,000 73,027,000 60.7%
1972 140,777,000 77,625,000 55.1%
1976 152,308,000 81,603,000 53.6%
1980 163,945,000 86,497,000 52.8%
1984 173,995,000 92,655,000 53.3%
1988 181,956,000 91,587,000 50.3%
1992 189,493,000 104,600,000 55.2%
1996 196,789,000 96,390,000 49.0%
2000 209,787,000 105,594,000 50.3%
2004 219,553,000 122,349,000 55.7%
2008 229,945,000 131,407,000 57.1%
2012 235,248,000 129,235,000 54.9%

You should notice something noticeable in the above statistics in surge years of Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, the landslide years of Richard Nixon in 1972 and Ronald Reagan in 1984, none of these candidates even came close to 70% of the vote. Even Barack Hussein Obama with Bush fam flipping 10 million GOP votes to Obama twice in those election thefts, did not come close to 70%.

And yet Joe Biden, wiht just 4 million more Americans than Obama at 239 million, with Obama's 10 million stolen votes, surged past historical Obama, by only 4 metro city states, otherwise Biden lost with democrats horrifically across the United States.

The Lame Cherry is providing you with hard numbers here. Most of you need to be reminded that just a few years ago, liberals were lamenting that half of Americans did not vote and they did not know what to do as Americans did not care. So we are to believe that Joe Biden suddenly inspired 80 million voters, at 70% voting margins and at 99% vote dumps, a ful 20% over anyone else in history all from his basement and not campaigning?

It is the reality that Joe Biden stole this election. Fraud and corruption is what is the United States of America or else this could not have happened, and the reality is it would not have made it past election eve.
We have understood in the explanations that Joe Biden had to run 80% type voting numbers of the population, because Donald Trump was winning across the board in record numbers. This is what the DIA General Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell, in experts have concluded.

The fact is Donald Trump's 73 million votes in 2020 beat both Obama's 65 and 69 million votes, and beat Hillary Clinton's 65 million votes. There should be a noted trend in this, that Democrats max out even with vote fraud at 65 million dead and illegal voters. Joe Biden did not receive 15 million more votes than were there.

The only available numbers of voters in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord, with 239 million voters at 54% voting is only 129 million available votes. Honestly, by what the experts have projected and what General Michael Flynn has stated, is the real numbers for President Donald Trump, was much closer to 83 million and Joe Biden's numbers were around 46 million, which would mirror a Trump landslide.
The numbers would project that the President was challenging in even states like California.

Before Biden election fraud, this is where Pedo Joe's 46 million votes were clustered.

As Governor Cuomo of New York recently stated to the Supreme Court ruling New York was unConstitutional in stopping Catholics from worshiping, that he challenged the courts to enforce their ruling, this example is the reality for President Donald Trump. He swore an oath of office to protect the United States from enemies foreign and domestic. This is more than not conceding, this is a President who has the responsibility to apprehend the criminals behind this in the United States and around the globe, as these are acts of treason and acts of war.

There is no use for Donald Trump after January 22nd as a civilian. Those who stole this election will criminally frame him as they have for four years. His candidacy in 2024 is worthless as every Republican would be as Joe Biden is set to legalize over 100 million foreign vermin by February 2021. Those foreigners will be sent into all the Republican states as Obama Bush were poring them in, and that ends everyone from Kristi Noem of South Dakota to Louis Gohmert in Texas.

This is as critical as Valley Forge, as the Wilderness Campaign, there are no more chances if the line is not drawn here by the President. This President must lead, and he must fulfill his oath of office, backed by Special Forces and the armed Citizens assisting this rescue and rehabilitation of America.

If the Courts do not uphold the Constitution, then it falls to President Donald Trump, and we have witnessed in President Abraham Lincoln and now in Govenor Andrew Cuomo, that the courts are not the last word in America. The last word is the Chief Executive of a state or a nation.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
