Monday, November 30, 2020

Homeland Security Watermarked Ballots



 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It was published here that there was a secret watermark on the 2020 ballots. I post below, Forbes,  USA Today, Snopes and Politifact, all stating that this never happened.

Yet Sidney Powell in her court filings, mentions these watermarked ballots.

The Washington Post in August 2020, posted a scathing attack on President Donald Trump for his attacks on the fraud of mail in ballots. In the article, the CIA's Washington Post, writer, Joseph Marks, list a series of security measures which the Department of Homeland Security was engaged in before the election. There was security for the mail in ballots in the following:

  1. Voter Signature Authentication
  2. Privacy Envelops.
  3. Specialized Codes to track each ballot.
  4. Watermarks linking ballots to certain jurisdictions.


In the Washington Post story of secure voting, Homeland Security was marking ballots with watermarks per jurisdictions. Notice in this too, these ballots all were numbered tracking in mail in ballots.

August 7, 2020 at 6:49 a.m. CDT


It also lists nine different “procedural controls” that should give voters confidence their votes are being tabulated correctly and phony ballots can’t sneak in. Those include verifying voters’ signatures against another signature on record, a privacy envelope preventing anyone from giving different treatment to ballots marked for particular candidates, specialized codes allowing voters to track their ballots, and watermarks linking ballots to particular jurisdictions.


 So the fact is, that Forbes,  USA Today, Snopes and Politifact, posted absolute lies. There are watermarks.

I have mentioned previously, when I was a precinct chair in counting ballots. There were 5 of us. 2 Democrats, 2 Republicans and myself. I oversaw everything and had custody when the ballots were all recorded for the actual numbers.

In those numbers, our precinct was issued an exact number of ballots. If any ballots were discarded, those were sealed and noted. The numbers of unused ballots, discarded ballots and ballots which were used, had to match.

We had voter identification, checked on a list of people who could vote, and when that person voted, their name was drawn over with a yellow marker. In the brier patch there is little room for fraud in there is no room for fraud, as I signed my name that all was kosher and was legally responsible.

The reason I include my experience and the facts, is that ballots are official. While they are not currency bills, they are not readily duplicated on the cheap. The ballots I had custody of, were locked in a metal box, and I drove them to the County Courthouse, and handed them over to the Auditor personally.

Crooks did steal this election across America. They raped the dignity of trusted elections and should all be hung for it, and left to rot from street lamp posts by the courts to send a message that none of this happens ever again.

Ballots are watermarked, by the Department of Homeland Security, there is not any doubt of this.  I would not doubt that the Department of Defense imprinted verifying information into these ballots too, which we have not yet learned of yet. The reason I state this is, Rudy Giuliani in Pennsylvania hammered together a filing which was going to be thrown out of court, and it was, and as Jenna Ellis stated, now this is appealed to the Supreme Court. As Giulani is not a retard, he did this deliberately to get this case to the Supreme Court, which is where they wanted this case from before the election.

I do not know if this is where the bombshell is revealed or if this is another further step in exposing those in the croc state, but I do know that Donald Trump said he would accept of Joe Biden could prove his 80 million votes and if Biden was awarded the electoral college votes. In Trump speak, that sounds like the President stating, I have won the electoral college, and said I would concede, so now that I have won, it is time for Biden to concede.

The watermarks are there, and they are Homeland Security watermarks, and again, they would have placed the watermark in plain sight and some other security measure which would not be detected to proof ballots.

This once again is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There Is A Secret Watermark Trace On All
Federal Mail-In Ballots


Nuff Said
