Only Christ is the Master Builder
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As the foundation of the House is upon which the House is built, the Law is the foundation of the Spiritual House of Christ, but without the House, no one can live just in the Law, for the Law convicts and condemns. No one can live on a concrete slab, but needs the rooms of Christ Gospel of Promise to be indwelling, of Mercy and Grace. Mercy to pay for our living in this House, and Grace making us heirs as Spiritual family to this House.
Moses was the presenter of the Law, to teach the children to be Faithful, but after being emancipated from the slavery of Egypt, the children of Promise, sought to return to Egypt, across a watery grave. Instead to believing, they grabbed the tools from Christ and said, "We will build our own house", and went out with weapons of war to attack the heathen nations, but the Israelite's sin of rebellion led to their slaughter, because God was not fighting for them.
There then they wandered, not in the Promise of Christ, but having no Faith in believing God, the Law is what they died in, save for only two who had Faith, Joshua and Caleb, who entered into the Promised Land.
Moses of the Law was judged by the Law, even as a man of Faith, for when national sin erupted in the thirst for water, in the Israelites accused God of abandoning them, Moses struck the rock form which the living water flowed numerous times, instead of once, and for this he bore that sin in lack of Faith to all Israel, and only glimpsed the land across the Jordan from a high peak.
Christ though is both the fulfillment of the Law which He kept perfect and the Gospel, of Salvation in our Redeemer. He is both the Foundation and the House, the two not twain, but one. In Him is the perfection, for as Moses Law only explained how to build the House, Christ is the Master Carpenter of this House of Spirit, welcome to all of Faith.
This Truth is as relevant today as in the time of Adam, when the Lord spoke that Eve would bare a child who would strike the serpent down in the serpent's power of death. In Faith, Abraham believed the Lord, that the Christ would come, and through his old age with a wife of barren womb, she bore life in Isaac, by whom we are all called Isaac's sons or Saxons. Christ believed His Father's Mission and fulfilled it in the Law and brought Redemption to those who hear that Christ has come to redeem us, and believe, putting away the deliberate breaking of the Law of God, they will be saved. There is no doubt in this. Though you may doubt in your imperfection, the Perfection of Christ is whole, and by Him do we all live who are Protestant Christians of the Faith.
What a wondrous Gift this is. So many have failed and sentenced themselves to death, but those who believe Christ have Life eternal. As St. John confesses by the Holy Ghost, "If our heart condemns us, Christ is greater than our heart".
We can be assured in St. Paul's Inspired message to the Hebrews, for each of you reading this is Hebrew, of the lost tribes, and for those not of the bloodline, by Faith you have been grafted in to this Spiritual family, built in the House of Christ, with Christ being the Chief Cornerstone of our Faith and our Salvation. The Law of Moses condemns necessarily, for it ends ignorance of sin, and necessitates the realization of Salvation in our hearts, and by hearing the Word of Christ, to change from our rebellion against God's Law, and to join to Christ in Spirit in keeping that law by not deliberately sinning and confessing Christ is the only begotten Son of God, washed by the Holy Ghost and renewed in Spiritual Baptism, we will be saved.
Christ Superior to Moses
3 1 So, my dear Christian friends, companions in following this call to the heights, take a good hard look at Jesus. He's the centerpiece of everything we believe, 2 faithful in everything God gave him to do. Moses was also faithful, 3 but Jesus gets far more honor. A builder is more valuable than a building any day. 4 Every house has a builder, but the Builder behind them all is God. 5 Moses did a good job in God's house, but it was all servant work, getting things ready for what was to come. 6 Christ as Son is in charge of the house.
A Rest for the People of God
7 That's why the Holy Spirit says, Today, please listen; 8 don't turn a deaf ear as in "the bitter uprising," that time of wilderness testing! 9 Even though they watched me at work for forty years, your ancestors refused to let me do it my way; over and over they tried my patience. 10 And I was provoked, oh, so provoked! I said, "They'll never keep their minds on God; they refuse to walk down my road." 11 Exasperated, I vowed, "They'll never get where they're going, never be able to sit down and rest." 12 So watch your step, friends. Make sure there's no evil unbelief lying around that will trip you up and throw you off course, diverting you from the living God. 13 For as long as it's still God's Today, keep each other on your toes so sin doesn't slow down your reflexes. 14 If we can only keep our grip on the sure thing we started out with, we're in this with Christ for the long haul. 15 These words keep ringing in our ears: Today, please listen; don't turn a deaf ear as in the bitter uprising. 16 For who were the people who turned a deaf ear? Weren't they the very ones Moses led out of Egypt? 17 And who was God provoked with for forty years? Wasn't it those who turned a deaf ear and ended up corpses in the wilderness? 18 And when he swore that they'd never get where they were going, wasn't he talking to the ones who turned a deaf ear? 19 They never got there because they never listened, never believed.
Do not make the mistake in these last days as your forebears did. God brought you into these Western lands of the Gospel of Christ with purpose. Do not return to Sodom in the abominations of this world to a fire and brimstone death, for Judgment is coming upon this world. Do not doubt the Christ nor His Word, and cast yourself blind into the darkness to wander in the wilderness of sin, to be Judged by the Law as you die. Rather stay in the Light of Christ, for His Word is the guidance to Life, even in all upheaval and darkness, be Faithful unto death and Christ will give you the Crown of eternal Life which He has earned for you, by purchasing it in obedience to the Law in payment with His own Blood and Faith.
You are of the New Covenant of Life.
Nuff Said.