Boil and bubble, toil and trouble,
this is the vax for who we like
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This poor orphan girl fighting the good fight is trying to keep you informed on other subjects, and one is the vax.
Rate Of Adverse Reactions To COVID Vaccines Already 50x Higher Than Flu Shot ∞ zh
I know that real experience is better to report on than what you read online. So in that, I will share real world events from my cousin who works for Indian services, yes the tribe.
The Indians she administers to, including their health workers got their Covid Vax by the end of December in the first round. Her friend who does blood work at a nowhere hospital, was already vaxed, so even in limited distribution the vax is being used.
The Indians by half and their medical staff are not taking the vax. Which in turn has allowed my cousin who is an evil White woman with diabetes to be offered the vax as the front row Tonto and Poco have run for the government housing units to hide in.
The reports are a sore arme for a few days and that is it in the first round.
Which is the Moderna vax and it makes me suspect as to what potions the Indians really were shipped as you know they are not going to get the good stuff. TL mentioned that there was a report out of West Virginia that they had received not the vax but the same antibody serum that the President had by mistake. So you get this part, Fauci in his fake left arm right arm vax poses, did not get the Coronavirus vax. I am betting that Mike Pence got glucose or the Trump serum with all these other frauds like AOC.
The Indians, they are getting something that makes their arm sore, just like other brier patch areas, so that is either Tetanus or it is the seasonal flu shot being relabeled.
My cousin said she would phone and tell me of her experience when she got jabbed and I will report her experiences.
On another note, her best friend who is in California flew with her family to Kansas, and immediately got sick. All of them got sick, but as the friend said, they needed to get back home to work, they put on their masks and boarded that big ole jet plane for California.
As cuz said, 'Yeah how much tylenol did she take to get her fever down and if she is flying, so is everyone else who is sick".
So this stuff is all through the population in different virus releases. I'm getting over like the 6th round of this, in this intestinal one which both hit us for a day, and I got a flash dry throat and then a headache for few days. Did not do the tonic water this time, as am hoping for the antibodies to generate so I can be done with all this biological weapon stuff.
I have prayed for my cousin, as I do not want her to die, but it is her choice as she is going stir crazy in being self isolated since March. Between her and her sister, we can talk six hours a week on the phone, so am pleased TL is there to fill in as that is a great deal of phone time for me, as in I have only spent time on the phone with those idiots at Indian Sears in Asia and an hour bothering my Congressional trolls to vote for Donald Trump.......ok like 10 minutes but it seemed longer with the emails.
I simply do not believe the serums going out are legitimate and they are only send out half real shots which are making half the people sick. The others are probably seasonal flu or some other tracker. I know they have said they are cutting the dose in half, which means it is killing people and making them sick on the full dose, so they have lessened it, which means it is probably not doing anything but fucking up parts of your DNA.
The best deal is to work at home, not get the virus and let other people like me get hosed down and recover. Second best is to get the variations of this biological weapon, and recover. Worst is to get the shit strain and go critical or die.
Only thing I can figure is they track me off my credit card purchases and hose down the food we purchase, to nail us, as we catch all variations like a sponge with water the first time around, and it is not like we are licking the floors.
Ok that is the existential information as I deal with the cat going growl mode in her territory which is the whole house and us tolerated in it.
Can a good Indian really be wrong.
Nuff Said