Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A Rendevous with Space Weapons




As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


An interesting reality took place on the way to January 6th, 2021 AD in the year of our Lord. It is the fact that the magic Pedo Biden, was awarded 306 electoral college votes in fraud states.



The glaring reality now though is  the last week of December that Pennsylvania discovered over 200,000 more votes than there were voters. Followed by Georgia which has over 400,000 votes which are not documented.


Georgia Has 460,000 Absentee Ballots Still Missing Custody Documentation Required by Law – Will Georgia Move to Trump Column as a Result?


There are realities though in the back channels of all of this in operation from President Trump.

Tuesday December 29, 2020 1:23 PM


 The realities in due to Joe Biden's circle leaking classified military intelligence to China, the Pentagon and the OMB have stopped providing any information to Camp Biden as they are a proven traitor group.

Biden Just Tried To Send Big Warning To Trump

 Again the problem with Joe Biden is his mouth says what his brain has plotted in election theft admissions and now the proof of what the Lame Cherry stated in Biden was only a ringer for Obama crony, communist Kamala Harris would be installed as President. Again massive fraud in no one can run for the Presidency intending to sign it over to someone no one would vote for.



Joe Biden at best, now sits at a precarious 270 votes which were stacked this way so it would require 3 states to install his vote fraud pedo form. Due the math in another way though in President Donald Trump awarded the disputed states of Pennsylvania and Georgia, lift the President even in vote fraud to, 258 solid votes.

Remove just one disputed state, in Arizona 11, Wisconsin 10, Michigan 16, and Biden drops to 259, 260 and 254. Remove any two states in contention of proven fraud, as no where does it state they have to be counted, and Biden ceases as a person of certification, as President Trump is certified with 258 electoral college votes, and literally Joe Biden ends his career in prison with 233 electoral college votes.

President Trump and his team are well aware of the numbers, well aware of the necessary scenarios, and well aware if the Supreme Court in it's corrupt John Roberts treason, requires being stalled until this moves into Congress.

Yes Mike Pence has to man up. Yes the crooked Congress and crooked Courts will cry foul, but this is Constitutional and Congress can not vote for Electoral College voters who are not admitted, and they have to vote on January 6th, there are not any legal delays which the Constitution allows. The Courts can not get involved.

The signs are still that President Donald Trump is staying for his second term. The Pentagon and OMB do not trust anything Biden, and have dug in their heels as they can not turn the government over to traitors. The President knows this and has condoned it.

Orbital weapons platforms reveal Trump is in
a WAR much bigger than any election - Adams


The clock is ticking and those on the inside as Dr. Scott Adams fled but issued this dire warning on America is doomed.


You Have a Rendezvous with Destiny, Mr. Pence
On January 6th The Vice President Will Choose the
Direction of the World for Years to Come

Dr. Scott Atlas says America may not survive the
corruption, incompetence and FRAUD unleashed
by the COVID-19 pandemic


President Trump is aware of all of this, as is Mike Pence, thanked by the SecDef. I promise nothing as I'm in the same vacuum as you, but something is happening and there are enough civilian legal ways to secure the White House.

There have been a myriad of  traitors exposed in this. The last set are those in Congress.


We shall see as there is zero reason to do this, if the President is going away.


Nuff Said 
