Tuesday, December 1, 2020

A time of peace



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


For all of the peace which President Donald Trump has brought to the Middle East, and he rightly deserves a chest full of Nobel Peace Prizes, there is a fact in all of this, that what the President has sown is a land of not hallowed ground. It is a land of lust and intrigue. It is a land which will never know true Peace until the Prince of Peace comes with Sword and bathes the land with the blood of 200 million soldiers in rebellion against Peace at Armageddon.


Michah the Prophet
Chapter 3 Verse 10

They build up Jerusalem with blood and Zion with iniquity.

Blessed are the Peacemakers for they shall inherit the Earth. The President is blessed and Jared Kushner has manifested with Sunni Arabs and Jews in the throws of the Obama mass murder of these peoples of the Ashkenaz and Ishmael, the foundation of peace, but the temple which will be built upon it, will be priested over by another people who usurp that which is being laid. For it is in their interest, that the iniquity of Jerusalem will be bathed in swine blood in the abomination which makes desolate.

The only peace which ever came to the Mideast was with King David, when he slaughtered and enslaved his enemies, when Alexander the Great scraped out cities and dumped them into the sea, and when Rome turned Jerusalem into a heap. What was done by sword is mightier than that which is done by the pen, a pen dipped in the excrement of the Shia of Tehran in a Semite people contending for supremacy in the atomic Middle East.

The common enemy of Iran, nuclear armed, black market profited and Chinese enabled, is the mortar which has cast this peace in an oven of good intentions.

It is written that the Whore of Babylon and Babylon the Great herself, out of Europe in the Beast of the resurrected Roman Empire is what will inherit the winds of peace by usurping peace by the sword, and planting  her tents outside Jerusalem. Those are the Last Days for the End Times have come.

All these events must come to fruition for the Lord Christ to return. The President was chosen to mortar the shards of blood and iniquity as no one else could. Those who take this pot from the workers of peace will bring war, the last great war in the Valley of Judgment north of Jerusalem. Then a river of water will burst forth from Zion and water to life the Dead Sea and all of the land, and return it to the Eden it once was before the fall.

May the time of this peace, move swiftly to the time of Christ's Peace, in His Name, Amen and Amen


