Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Joe Biden: Phase II




 As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 None of the election theft of Joe Biden could take place, without the reality that this is not about the election at all. This is instead a rolling series of infect and awe, by enemies foreign and domestic of the United States, that President Trump has sworn an oath to use all means necessary to neutralize them.

We have seen the history of dirty deals in the Bush fam and Clintons in uranium sales to Russia and the building of China as the nuclear dragon. Obama succored them and added nuclear Iran to the list. These are the main agents you can see from the rabbit hole.

Obama built the Wuhan biological weapon's lab. It was Obama's holdovers who spread this virus into the United States and then spread false propaganda causing massive death and disruption of the American system.

You have watched this from 2016 AD in the year of our Lord, in British MI6 and Mosaad joining with Bush, Clinton and Obama trolls to frame Donald Trump and his supporters. The disinformation spread to Congress via John Kerry, and it was Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Nadler who ran the operation, and when that softening up by Robert Mueller did not work, then impeachment using Mosaad agents performed impeachment, and finally several direct assassination attempts on the President were carried out on President Trump.

These though were diversions. They would be counted as victories if won, but there were endgame scenarios which are out there.

The investigation into Joe Biden's election theft is uncovering foreign assistance, and this is where information in the creators of hacking vote software have the big guns behind them. There is a reality that Venezuela, which means Iran, which means China, which means Russia who owns the American oil port facilities via Venezuela have an operational first strike of missile launchers from cargo ships in nuclear, chemical and biological weapons.

David Icke has stated there is too much chatter of the grid going down and Iran will be blamed.

Icke - Too Many 'Sources' Are Talking About The Grid
Going Down...Likely Blaming Iran And Triggering War


 The assassination of the Iranian father of the nukes, when Obama said Iran did not have nukes, was not about nukes. It once again is bringing Iran to the forefront in this as the willing scapegoat if Pearl Harbor 2 is initiated, which is what this is all about, to so disrupt the American system by Obama's Intifada that the communists of Amerika will have willing saviors ready to invade after multiple hits on America.

Brannon Howse: Let me just stop you there General because you just said something very interesting. You just said that who has just opened up the kraken, and then you just described what the kraken was. We all know the term because of a Sydney Powell using it, but you just said what it is. Can you back up on that?


General Mclnerney: Yes. Sidney got the term kraken. It was actually the nickname of the 305th military intelligence battalion, and that has been her source along with other sources that Mary and I know about, but we don’t want to talk about. We’re getting the different sources that are relaying this, but the important thing is they identified, now get this, they identified China, Iran and Russia as being involved in this and manipulating the vote.

In addition, the US special forces command seized a server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, because they were sending this data from those six states through the internet to Spain and then into Frankfurt, Germany. Special operation forces seize those that facility so they have those servers and they know all this data they are providing.

Mary Fanning: You cannot award the country to Joe Biden when he has cheated to steal an election. It’s really that simple.

Brannon Howse: Do you believe the American people are going to demand that some of these folks actually face the charges of treason? And how high do you think this could go? Or is this going to be the old brushing to end game of blaming someone down the lower level?

Mary Fanning: It’s beyond the election. It’s beyond the stolen votes. You have to look at Joe Biden and his family. Billions of dollars to his son, Hunter, his drug addled son. Billions of dollars from China and billions from the Ukraine to Hunter Biden. Can you even imagine this and a different day? The fact that the media has remained silent and China and Iran and Russia are buying off our officials to tell you everything you need to know about the Mockingbird media.

Brannon Howse: Not to mention Mary, as you report in your excellent report, the perfect storm, the Jafar family, the Gulftainer family, doctor Jafar, as you guys report used to be the head of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear program, making the nuclear beach ball as miniaturized nuclear device. I think he was on the kill list during the war, and then his family and his business get a contract running Port Canaveral in Florida and in Wilmington, Delaware, cargo containers, and yet there is some kind of business deals back with the 100% Russian owned export of the Club K Cargo that has four cruise missile siloss that pop up and can deliver cruise missiles, biological weapons, nuclear weapons, and it could easily be planted down here in the US as you have translated Russian Manuals for Pearl Harbor 2.0 into English, they call for a Russian strategy of doing just that. As you know, live on our show a few years ago, Phil Haney, former Department of Homeland Security whistle blower, revealed right on this show, “Hey, Brannon, you want another piece of interesting information to go with that?” Look at Citco owned by Venezuela, they’re in financial crisis with massive inflation. Guess who’s come in and bought up a big chunk of their company? Russia. Look at all their oil terminals, up and down the Eastern seaboard.

Now, Russia can bring in through the oil terminals, the cargo terminals can bring in the Club K Cargo missile launching system into this relationship with Dr. Jafar and Gulftainer, have caused now to move them into the US and plop them down at all refiners up and down the East Coast is a Trojan horse, and that’s your perfect Pearl Harbor 2.0 that you’ve been warning about, and Phil Haney dropped that right on the news desk of our show live, and you happen to be watching that night. So, there’s way more to this than just the election. We’re talking about them being inside the wire and a lot of these people, the Bidens, the Obama’s, Hillary tied to some of these actors, correct?

Mary Fanning: Well, that’s correct. Beyond which the Jafar were put on the Pentagon’s blacklist meant that they were wanted for capture or kill dr. Jafar, and he’s the nuclear mastermind or Saddam Hussein. In order to take back our country, we must take back this election that Donald Trump won fair and square before they started cheating with foreign actors, Russia, China, Iran, that their hand is in here for the theft of this election. That’s why the American people must stand up, and that is like President Donald Trump must abide by his oath to protect this country. He cannot step down until this election is fairly, legally settled.


This is just beginning in this treasonous Joe Biden, image Obama and George Bush axis election theft. This is the projection of where this could go. What if enough of the grid goes down and is backed by weapon's grade anthrax spread across American cities which will have death for months?

What if this grande mRNA is the cutting of the foreskins off American defenses so no one is left to respond when Phase II is engaged.

 These are foreign acts of war as the British and French in the Civil War. These are acts of treason. Do you really think in this murderous mob who is guilty of hanging offenses will just surrender or will they go for the nuclear option to stop this?


 Nuff Said
