Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Bidenstein's Monster



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 I honestly believe that Joe Biden knew he had lost on election eve, as he stumbled across the stage and looked like senility on steroids. Something happened though that had been in the works for some time.

I also believe that the President, in the Eisenhower Building knew of the fraud which the bad actors had planned and was ready to document it all. I also believe that the DIA knew what was taking placed.

I also believe that the Russian FSB, Chinese PLA and Iranian Vaja, knew what the Obama legacy was engaged in, from British MI6 and Tel Aviv Mosaad, as they pulled the same thing with the Bush family for twenty years.

This was made to order for Russia, China and Iran. Putting Joe Biden into the White House assured them of exactly what they wanted in an idiot crook, with an idiot Kamala, to leverage Biden, and produce an America shattered politically.

This of course is what British MI6 wanted, as America returned to colonial rule and being the target in the next world war, as Europe is laid nuclear waste.

The Biden Machine, or the Obama Bush machine put into place was well known. It should be as Obama stole Hammer and Scorecard from the CIA to overthrow elections globally and to install the chosen in America.

This election hacking software of Dominion of Canada MI6, was only part of this triggered avalanche of election theft. President Donald Trump told his voters to go out and vote, and they did in record numbers, and this began the series of criminal events which all of us have witnessed.

The Lame Cherry will lay out exactly what took place on the evidence.

The first step in this was to use the electronic vote hacking software, to compensate for the flash tracking of voting, which revealed that President Donald Trump was winning by a landslide. This produced the 80% of people in New Hampshire voting, which is impossible.

With Donald Trump having such a large voter turn out, the ratio to steal the election was factored to be an 80% voter turn out. The e vote, was as typical in casino software, on the old Diebold protocols to give a fraction vote. Donald Trump would get a fraction of a vote, while Joe Biden would get a full vote and the fraction stolen from Donald Trump.

This is the swing state fraction to keep Joe Biden close.

In states like Virginia, the vote was loaded after it was determined what the Republican vote would be to steal the state. In Minnesota, the votes were pre loaded  in Al Franken margins in the metro areas, in such numbers which were known there were not enough Republicans in rural Minnesota to overcome the pre load.

This was supposed to keep Biden close, and being warned by Hillary Clinton to not concede on election night, the follow up vote was to be paper ballots to put Biden over the top.

A problem arose though, that Trump's numbers were building. A triggering mechanism was built in, in the back door of Scorecard, a compensation clutch, and this is where the Russians, Chicoms and Iranians appeared, as in the Chinese computer chips in these voting machines, picked up the vote packets being routed, from America, into Spain, and into Frankfurt Germany. Noting that Biden was losing, they hit the fail safe and hundreds of thousands of votes started pulling from Donald Trump and appearing in Joe Biden's 80 million votes. This entire system was being blown by the Trump landslide turn out. The FSB, PLA and Vaja knew this was going to show up as fraud, and it only fit into their plan as America ripping itself apart, with the doddering Biden and that idiot Kamala Harris, was an America which would serve their interests. 

A problem arose as the foreign right hand did not know what the Biden left hand was engaged in, as panic set in. Trump's votes were skyrocketing, and the Biden operatives knew it, so in order to keep the President from victory, MI6's FOX put Arizona into Biden's column, as they had spies in the White House through Sean Homo Hannity and Tucker Carlson who reported that President Trump was about to declare victory.
So as the foreigners were mass dumping votes, unknown to Biden panicked trolls, the trolls shut down counting as was pre arranged, in the 5 swing states, in order to begin delivery of the fraud paper ballots.

The clown show of the Mockingbird media had orders to cover up the election theft. The propaganda was pre delivered and as the spin was spinning, they began to realize how obvious this election overthrow was, as what was supposed to be Joe Biden's lawyers being given cover as crooked votes were counted, had instead become Bidenstein's Monster. 

Trump's record vote, had the democrats throwing the kitchen sink and everything else at this Trump juggernaut, and it kept growing.

The machine sent out the pressure points, Josh Bolton, GOP frauds, Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and the President was supposed to have the public turned against him, and be a laughing stock as he was swept from office in the electoral college.

Biden was first given 270 electoral votes, and then when it was discovered that one vote would keep Biden from stealing this, suddenly Biden was up over 307 votes, as this would mean Donald Trump would have to expose the fraud in 3 states, instead of just one, to send this to Congress.

The Mockingbird had a smug talking point in "no evidence was presented", when everyone could see the evidence. The election fraud believed they had produced a steal which did not have any traces. This is where it appears that all of those #NeverTrumpers working for Biden, were enhanced, in being foreign assets of the Russians, Chinese and Iranian muslims, who were meant to be sloppy, to leave tracks.

Never forget what Webster Griffin Tarpley stated on Rense, that the elite plan was to split the democratic party into a communist and nazi rule of America, with the GOP a fringe Jeb Bush groupies.

The second smartest people in the world thought that their vote hackware could not be traced. That is what they were told as this was the CIA's best and the CIA had an interest in Biden, so they were not going to all the cops. The cops though already were tracking this, as they had the smartest man in the room, working for them.

It was business as usual in the Obama paper ballot fraud. More voters voting than there were voters. This time though there was a deliberate effort to overload this entire fraud, in tripping the known age old fail safes, and one by one they were set into motion. This Bidenstein Monster was Bush's creation and enhanced under Obama Biden.

You may remember a hacker obtained the entire treasure trove of NSA hackware which made all of the dark ware obsolete. Hammer, Scorecard, Medusa was all that was left and being that top heavy, once it was engaged in all 80 million Biden fraud votes, it collapsed under it's own weight.

It is all there. The evidence is being produced. No more can the Mockingbird media chirp that there is not any evidence as it is coming from experts and from those who were eye witnesses. The proof is there and now due to what Joe Biden engaged in with enemies foreign and domestic, the United States has been put through a year of hell in biological warfare. There are now calls for internment camps for Americans who love America. There will be an economic collapse because of what Joe Biden did. There will be a global war because of what Joe Biden did.

The faith in the election system in America, in the CIA and FBI, in DOJ has been shattered by what the Bush family, the Clintons, Birther Obama and what the Biden syndicate carried out in their rapine of weaponizing the system against Americans who only wanted what the Constitution assured them in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


This is Bidenstein's monster.


Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Nuff Said


