Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Biden's Wolves Gaurding Thee Election Hen House


Fired cyber security official calls Trump’s claims of voter fraud 'nonsense' Yahoo Entertainment

Christopher Krebs , the former director of the Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) appeared on 60 Minutes Sunday where he refuted ...


“Anybody who thinks the election went well, like that idiot Krebs who used to be the head of cybersecurity,” said DiGenova, “that guy is a class A moron. He should be drawn and quartered. Taken out at dawn and shot.”

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 If you desire to know who were the primary conduits of Chinese, Iranian and Russian election fraud, joining with Joe Biden's cabal of crooks, to pull off the 2020 election heist of the Presidential Election, America is fortunate that so many of them were ordered to put their names to documents, certifying the ludicrous lie that there was not any election theft or corruption in the United States.

The following article, reveals that Americans actually had a Homeland commission watching and preparing for election fraud. As the results are before the world court now, it is evident that CyberCop Christopher Krebs chose either the biggest idiots on the planet who were stooges, or these conduits were part of this vast network of crooks, whose services and job standings were awarded to raise them to the top, to carry out election theft.


The SCC executive committee members included Chairman Chris Wlaschin of Election Systems & Software, Vice Chair Bryan Finney of Democracy Live, Kay Stimson of Dominion Voting Systems, Ericka Haas of the Electronic Registration Information Center, and Edwin Smith of Smartmatic. They operate in a dual capacity with the GCC, which were both mandated into existence in Jan. 2017 by DHS before President Trump could even be sworn into office.

Big League Politics reported on a survey of tech professionals indicating that a strong majority of them had major concerns about electoral integrity shortly before the vote took place:

The Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) released the findings of a survey months before the election of the opinions of tech professionals, showing that a majority of them had deep concerns with electoral integrity heading into November’s election. The fake news media, of course, swept this crucial survey under the rug.

The professionals who were surveyed in September listed the rankings of their concerns as follows:

1. Misinformation/disinformation campaigns (73%)

2. Tampering with tabulation of voter results (64%)

3. Hacking or tampering with voter registration rolls

Hacking or tampering with voting machines (both 62%)



Retired Brigadier General and ISACA board director Greg Touhill was alarmed at the findings, hoping to throw cold water on the legitimate concerns of the tech professionals with regards to the voting process.

“The overwhelming majority of localities have sound election security procedures in place, but the public’s perception does not match the reality,” said Touhill.

“This means that governments, from the county level on up, need to clearly and robustly communicate about what they are doing to secure their election infrastructure. As the study indicates, the most real threat to the election—impacting all candidates from all parties—is misinformation and disinformation campaigns,” he added.

Tech professionals suggested the following remedies to allay election concerns:

1. Educating the electorate about misinformation (65%)

2. Using electronic voting machines with paper audit trails (64%)

3. Increased training for election and election security personnel (62%)

Unfortunately, none of those recommendations were ever put into place, and America had to deal with third-world nightmare on election day.


What you are going to find in this group who oversaw election theft in these United States, are a great deal of Internet Technology security experts, developers and people who arose under George W. Bush, to "get out the vote" which created this catastrophe exploited by enemies foreign and domestic of these United States.

They all have been receiving millions of dollars of your extricated tax money to tell you that there was not a CIA Frankfurt Germany weaponized vote hacking complex used against nations, along with these United States. That there were not ballots manufactured in New York and taken to Pennsylvania by truck. That Joe Biden receiving 99.4% of 700,000 ballots was normal voting after the polls closed.

Put it this way, if this group was guarding your virginal daughter's chastity, she would have been running a whorehouse in Tel Aviv, pregnant by one of 400 johns, and assuring you she caught VD off the toilet seat.

Here are the experts which assure you that the obvious election fraud did not take place.




Chris Wlaschin




Brian Finney


Nov. 6 was a big day for Seattle startup Democracy Live. While the company was busy deploying cloud-based ballots and election guides to millions of Americans, it also closed a $4.5 million funding round.

Joe Brotherton Investments, a group of angel investors who focus on “businesses with a purpose” led the round, according to Democracy Live President Bryan Finney. Brotherton said that no venture capital firms or other investment funds participated in the round.

Democracy Live began using the new funds during the 2018 election cycle and will continue to grow its OmniBallot platform with the fresh cash. OmniBallot is cloud software used by election officials to provide ballots to military service people overseas and Americans with disabilities. It has been used in more than 900 elections to date and is the most popular online balloting technology in the U.S., according to Finney.

Democracy Live also has a direct-to-voter product called LiveBallot. The app creates custom ballot guides for voters before they head to the polls.

The new funding allowed Democracy Live to develop a ballot guide for Amazon’s voice-controlled operating system, Alexa in time for Election Day.

“The funding has allowed is to focus on deploying a highly secure, certified balloting platform used by the military, voters living abroad and the over 30 million voters with disabilities in the U.S,” Finney said in an email. “We expect over the coming years, each of the 200 million voters in the U.S. we be able to access our ‘OmniBallot’ voting technology via the cloud, or a polling place tablet.”



Kay Stimson


Kay Stimson is Chair of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Election Infrastructure Sector Coordinating Council for election industry providers. She is a 20+-year veteran of election administration, having represented both the U.S. Election Assistance Commission and the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) in media and government relations positions. She also served as the White House and congressional affairs liaison for the 2005 Presidential Commission on Election Reform. Kay has worked on a number of major election initiatives in the U.S., including the creation and passage of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 and the initial formation of the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. 

Ericka Haas

Supported in part by 2018 Help America Vote Act funds distributed by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), election officials across the country are taking additional steps to strengthen and upgrade their voter registration databases and election management systems. These systems are used to implement core election administration functions, such as updating and maintaining the accuracy of voter registration rolls, assigning voters to their correct polling locations and voting districts, generating appropriate ballots for voters, and the secure tabulation or reporting of results.



Edwin Smith



As one can ascertain, the very people who set up this system which exploded in the greatest election fraud in history, were the ones who built and secured the system with CIA funding.

Not content to have a Cyber Committee assuring Americans that vote fraud, which did happen in mass, did not happen, a second group appeared assuring all of us that all of this was kosher.

What is convenient in this, is this is the group of state crooks who vouched that these sham elections were kosher. This is a list that the JAG lawyers will be keeping in showing the IT conduits and the State conduits to this election fraud, as they have sworn this fraud did not take place.


 Gov. Doug Ducey Ignores Trump Phone Call During Certification  mediaite


RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Privately Doubts Voter Fraud Claims But Wants to Appear Like She’s “Fighting” for the President


These are not the group down Alice's Rabbit Hole, just the little hookers who came to the big city, and let grubby adults molest them in exchange to carry out election theft for the perv adults. These are the expendables of the rabbit hole, who are there to be sacrificed, but were assured thee entire police state would protect them, after all they were bringing down another American President, and as they never were hung before, all of this was without any danger of prosecution at all.

We know for absolute certain that election theft in America has been business for some years. 2020 was a stolen election for President and other races. Donald Trump was elected President by legitimate voting in 360 electoral college votes, according to the matrix. The President must carry out his oath of office to protect America from all enemies foreign and domestic, as the United States is finished if he does not save America as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln did.

America is poised to be a Stalin gulag death camp or America in the coming collapse will be defeated by the Eurasians, as with the genocide of the Christian Protestants in the United States, the foreign vermin will not fight, and Americans will no longer support this corruption of Bidencon.


This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Nuff Said


