Thursday, December 17, 2020

High Treason on the High Court




As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 As General George Washington crossed the Delaware on Christmas, the back chatter is Commander in Chief Donald Trump will cross the Potomac.

This tweet by Attorney Lin Woods, is the reality of the corruption of Bidencon. The reason Lind Woods and Sidney Powell are receiving so much classified information, is that it is flowing from the Defense Intelligence Agency.

The conversation of traitor John Roberts with Islam brain Breyer, proves collusion on the High Court in High Treason.




For Christmas, I hope that President Trump issues orders for the United States military to secure these United States. I only regret that it is not going to be my knee in the back of these traitors as the plastic cuffs are cinched tight at 3 AM in the morning.


Dec 18 Intel Assessment Delayed Over Whether China
Sought To Influence Election - The CCP Owns Dominion!



This election is now contested in the House and the Senate. God bless the Patriots Mo Brooks and Tommy Tuberville.



