Thursday, December 17, 2020

Jenna Ellis Explains Congressional Election of President Donald Trump


 Actually hanging traitors is something green all Patriots can agree on
as the rope is reusable thousands of times. I don't think a rope has ever
worn out form hanging too many traitors.


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


With the treacherous betrayal of Americans in Kentucky and South Dakota by Mitch McConnell and the cowchippers of John Thune and Mike Rounds sucking up to Biden's pedo cock, the barge of Truth and Constitution is purging it's way through the United States Congress, and Patriot Jenna Ellis, explains what is the January Advent on the horizon.


With Congressman Mo Brooks, a true Patrick Henry Patriot stating he will arise to contest this fraud election, and Senator Tommy Tuberville, a true Paul Revere stating that he will second this in the Senate, and bring about the rightful election of President Donald Trump.


"Today, the electoral college votes will be sealed and sent by special carrier to Washington where they will remain sealed until January 6th (3 weeks from today) when the House and Senate will come into a joint session to open the votes. The media is going to make you believe that it's all over and Joe Biden is now officially president…

On January 6th, Nancy Pelosi will sit down with the rest of the House members as she has no special power or authority over the hearing... Vice President Mike Pence will have all the authority as president of the Senate for that day and will accept or reject motions to decide the next steps by the assembly. Remember... Mike Pence is in full authority that day as written in the Constitution. The ballots will be certified today but that means nothing...

The votes will be opened and at that point, one House member could, and most likely will, raise their hand to object to the Vice President on the state of elector's votes. That objection could cover fraud or any other reason, and with the seconding of that objection, everything changes. Everything!!

The House and Senate will divide for two hours (at least) to debate, then vote. The vote will be per Senator with the Vice President being the deciding vote if needed in the Senate, while the vote in the House will only be ONE vote per delegation, per state, not per House member!!! The Republicans have 30 delegation votes compared to the Democrats with 20 delegation votes.

If this scenario runs true, President Trump gets re-elected.

The Democrats, the media, social networks, and globalists around the world will come unhinged and chaos will erupt. Bigly.
President Trump is trying to do the right thing and go through the courts first, expose all the fraud, but we all knew that none of the courts, even the Supreme Court wanted to touch this issue with a 10-ft pole!

This is why our forefathers were so brilliant because they knew something like this could happen someday. So, don't listen to the media and all their deception and lies. All you have to do is read the Constitution and you know that the law, policies and procedures in the end are on our side."

— Jenna Ellis


 None of this is a done deal. Every American will have to begin flooding their treacherous McConnell, Thune, Rounds, Romney and whatever scatwag has gone on their knees to suck pedo penis, with the real message that they vote for the President or they will be recalled as the Benedict Arnolds of the 21st century.

This is finally moving forward and the DNI must have the voices heard in foreign election theft, to clear the way for the President to enact his Executive Order in declaring a state of emergency. We need not to put our trust in one prince, nor in the sons of men, but in the Patriots of the Congress, the Patriots of the US Military with Tribunals and the Patriots of 100 million armed Americans with 400 million firearms to remind the treacherous, this nation, under God, indivisible, has better Angels of our nature, which will like George Washington and Abraham Lincoln martial forces to take back that which has been robbed of us.


