Tuesday, December 1, 2020

How can America thank President Trump for saving her from Joe Biden election theft?



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


The Lame Cherry has a simple point in this post and that is when President Donald Trump saves these United States from this notorious Biden led cabal which has politically raped and weaponized the Constitution against Americans, by turning the system of rule of law against the People, that the 45th President of the United States deserves a memorial as his rescue of the United States is equal to President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln.

The President asked Govenor Kristi Noem of South Dakota about placing him on Mount Rushmore, with the four other Presidents of the Republic, and while there is room there, President Trump deserves more. South Dakota has been tainted by that Indian terrorist monument there, and the Obama hatred of America of changing American names to Indian terrorist names such as Harney Peak.

I looked around for a fitting place for President Trump and found two locations.


The first is Bear Hat Mountain in Glacier National Park. It is beautifully framed and would make a stunning tribute to the President in a relief like Stone Mountain in Georgia.


The second is the Loch in Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado. Again this is a perfectly framed vista which would present an astounding relief cutting of the President.



 In both cases, the natural reflection pool would mirror the Washington Monument in Washington City.

This memorial could be accomplished before the President left office, for the simple reason with the anticipated mass crackdown in the Biden election theft, all of these treacherous shills filing lawsuits and burning down cities, would be in concentration camps awaiting to be hung for high crimes.

President Trump requires something bigger than the hills of South Dakota. He requires something grande and the Rockies are the grandest of vistas and mountains in the world.

In short, in celebrating the deliverance the Lord brought to America in President Donald Trump, let us put Ronald Reagan on Mount Rushmore and President Trump on the mountain in the Rockies which would be fitting for him.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
