Thursday, December 17, 2020

How to enjoy Weapons of Mass Destruction





As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Well isn't that Bush family legacy something that Americans can appreciate.





Installing that Birther Hussein Obama and now helping to steal the election for Joe Biden.

And in all of this Bush wonderful, rubber up the ass stamped by Mitch McConnell and John Thune, who just are in love with Bush, the Biden kind.

So to review this, we have the Bush family which created the cancer of China, eating everything on the planet and helping Joe Biden steal American elections.

As the Lame Cherry has noted, the Bush family, with all the other nation rapists turned China from a rice paddy with chopsticks, into a cyber warrior with nuclear weapons aimed at America, as Obama gave them biological weapons and now they have no money, no food, no fuel and are looking to slaughter all thee Americans and Australasians on the planet for their new colonies.

This does not seem like such a good deal for Americans, apparently though George, Jeb, Joe, Kamala, Mitch and John all think their white asses are not going to raped by Chicom invaders, but that is getting ahead in this story.


China has no food and no money to feed its citizens

The good news is China has more spies in America than that libertarian who ran for President had voters. Probably close to how many voters Biden had, probably all of Biden's voters were Chicom now we know who was coofing on those oldsters in Washington spreading the plague, it was all the spies the Bush, Clinton and Obama regimes let into America.


 For some reason I think we are getting screwed as Americans in this.  We get President Trump's election stolen from him, and us, China is about to blow us all up to kingdom come, and Joe Biden gets to molest kids in the White House, Kamala gets to do Kamala things in the navel observatory, as the Bush fam not in the ground, the Clintons above ground and whatever the fish shit is that was Obama, has it pretty good compared to what awaits us.

Well at least some of us are living well as traitors.
