Thursday, December 17, 2020

Donald Trump's Secret Political Weapon To Stay President


 He's out of his mind with rage!!!


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I first started reading this story I thought it was from the Onion and somehow got onto Yahoo, but it is real.

Joe Biden went on a Twitter rage of the insane, in which he called his voters LOONY  LEFT LOOSERS, Pathetic and Sad and the best part is he wants a thug as Attorney General to intimidate Bernie Sanders and AOC.

President-elect Joe Biden went on a rampage early this morning, lashing out at critics within his own party who say his appointments so far lack ideological and demographic diversity and hinting that lawmakers who cross him can expect retribution once he moves into the White House on Jan. 20.

Biden, an obsessive Twitter presence under normal times, went beyond his own flamboyant standards with a series of tweets that began shortly after midnight and then picked up again at 5:30 a.m. in what was apparently an effort to drive early coverage on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” With his trademark alliteration, he lambasted “loony left losers” for their second-guessing of his transition moves and called his fellow Democrats “pathetic” and “SAD!”

“He’s out of his mind with rage,” said one close adviser, who was granted anonymity because the person is not authorized to speak about the president-elect’s psychological state. The aide said the fury is complicating the selection of an attorney general nominee, because Biden is eager to name a choice who will use the Department of Justice’s prosecutorial powers to intimidate critics such as Sen. Bernie Sanders or Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.


 With this kind of insane drama from Pedo Joe, President Donald Trump won't need Republicans to vote for him in the electoral college as democrats will be saving themselves from the Biden torture chambers.

Keep at it Pedo Joe. Trump's second inauguration is on the way.
