Thursday, December 3, 2020

Mulberry Plantation



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Mulberry Lady dropped a note for a nice change of interesting, as I was so pleased that she now has her place, and has a Korean Mulberry tree.
I think that is the variety we have here which grows wild. The birds love them and they make lovely mulberry me the jelly tastes like soap so I stick with the pies when we have a year that has fruit and the robins and king birds are not eating them all.

She apparently has a coyote problem, as we have as everyone has. Gaytube has quite a few videos in now to snare coyotes. Snares kill so that means they kill deer and dogs too if not set up properly.
Another solution is sifting through trappers who are still employing the trade, but after my experience on a noted site, they are mostly rich assholes, who have a site manager who is screwing igorant people over in selling shitty lures, and this turd who has a manfriend in media, runs a site which .........let's just say I think he voted for pedo Biden.
Last resort in some states is a state trapper. That is what I had to use the past few years. My guy is really good at the snaring, and as I'm swamped, I have to go that route, but things are looking up after today in satanic attacks are being thwarted.

We had drought, so not a great deal of feed for cattle........expensive feed. Sold 4 bull calves. Was going to sell the bull, but I have no idea if we can even find a bull next year so he is here. He has the big plus in does not try to kill us.
So one calf was a fence creeper, and I did not want it hit by a car and get sued. So for the past 2 weeks we have been chasing it with the pick up. He got to know it by site and ran for the fence. He actually stayed in the last two days, but now he is off to feedlot finishing, and I'm not as concerned about feed and short on cash or wondering if the regime is going to confiscate all the livestock in the coming food shortages.
As of today, we finished the stove pipes and the breather tube for our cellar wood stove. I still have to do the rammed earth, but at least now once tested we will have auxiliary heat, but this is has been a long LONG LONG time from the end of August in doing things. The weather delays really pissed things up, but now it is inside projects and that is a huge weight off of me, as all of this stress has me looking forward tonight to actually sleeping.

We were over on the place we want today that God is moving on. I was looking at an ash tree that broke, and saw it was full of holes. That must be that ash bore stuff. Those ash are ugly bent and droopy trees. They are hardwood, which means given the go ahead, they are turning into firewood, along with the ash which blew down here. We have a big one in the windbreak here, which will be rendered into cords of wood.

I'm still numb from getting out from under this work burden here. There is so much I have to do though in a major shift for food farming next year, but it was a pleasure just working with cattle today and moving stock panels, in this no brain work. I have to get finished up a chicken coup for winter in closing it in, but that is the luxury of this now in my entire life is not being consumed by that cellar project.

What I would prefer is the President to just declare Martial Law, appoint some Election General, like General Flynn, have him arrest anyone who interferes and to throw out the fraud votes and appoint the electoral college votes to the President and have him sworn in, so he can crack down. Yes the pressure is designed to have that response, but I'm exhausted and need to recover in not having one endless klusterfuk happening that I have to put the fires out, set the correct narrative and herd people away from acting out, as this is not the time to act out.

Unless God moves me otherwise, I'm finished with politics, and looking for Jesus to return. I have zero interest in any of this fraud and fighting about it as it will implode as this kind of corruption and tyranny can not survive.

We have been plantins some road ditch cedars, which is possible as the ground is not frozen.  Too many nice trees are in the right of way and cut off by farmers or power companies. I just find the ones I want and give them a good home. The plan is to introduce on the other place a number of plantings in groups. Evergreens in studying them suck when planted in a row. The bottom branches have nothing on them. They do ok as solitary specimens, but what seems best is a plot of 3 or 4 trees, staggering them. No it is not straight with the world, but it helps wildlife and the trees do so much better which is the point in all of this, as good trees are welcome homes to wildlife.

The coof is live here. The feed store guy and the wife got it. He said that it was the worst pain of his life. I said, "I thought you had been married before".
It was a most hillarious joke at his expense. Always nice to pick on the sick as they are not well enough to chase you down and beat on you.

My big treat tonight is to sit down with TL. We are watching the series, the Equalizer........too liberal at times, but it is dated in lots of Mac 9's showing up. Frankly the Goddamn Mexicans seem to have vanished more around here this past week, so I have not felt the need to walk around armed. More problems with those robber cops who were busy arresting people for nothing before Thanksgiving. I always think in when this melts down, how many really pissed off people there are who know the cops name who billed them 150 bucks for not wearing a seat belt.

As I have signed on for martial law, Trump style, due to the fact I'm brainwashed to being fed up with the crooked courts and would enjoy like the French in seeing these insurrectionists dragged from their homes like Roger Stone, caged like Mubarak and then found guilty and executed, it seems fitting.
You can see now why the stopped professional sports right? They took the pressure release away, so people will be willing for another form of literal entertainment.
Yes another Lame Cherry exclusive, but hidden away in mulberry bushes, so the speed readers won't see it as they jack off to hot Kamala Harris poses.
I wonder if she has any panties that say, "Willie Brown slept here?"

I better scoot as I have to shower and my back is aching and burning from lifting panels and getting things done. I hope I sleep well and rested for once, as it has been too long.

Nuff Said
