Thursday, December 3, 2020

Stop the Steal President Trump



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


President Donald Trump and his allies are either misunderstanding the message from Americans who support him, or the President's allies are Bushites like fat ass Newt Gingrich, who want patrician purity to rule, and all of us are to fall blindly in line, like we did for Pedo Hastert, the "what Jesus would do" George and "the shut up and go away Christians," George Bush.


The center of this is now Lin Wood and Sidney Powell, both democrats, like Donald Trump is a democrat like Mike Flynn is a democrat but these Democrats are the only ones fighting and firing salvos in the rockets red glare, as where was the Trump campaign, but losing the election to fraud or fat ass Newt Gingrich doing fat ass nothing.

The Lame Cherry agrees with President Trump for Georgians to get out and vote, but the Lame Cherry agrees with Lin Wood and Sidney Powell that it is a waste of time to get out and vote when Georgia is the same corrupt state, with the same corrupt governor, same corrupt secretary of state, now investigating Republicans for election fraud and the same thugocracy which literally handed itself over to pedophile Joe Biden.

It is necessary for President Trump to hear something and to hear it absolutely clearly from Americans.


EXCLUSIVE: Trump Allies Go To War With Former Democrat ‘Con Artists’ Lin Wood And Sidney Powell Over Senate Runoff Comments   caller 

 The President told Georgians that they would see him in 4 more years, if Joe Biden was inaugurated. The President is suffering from egotistical ignorance, in the reason Americans donated 172 million dollars (What an absolute waste of money, when it should have been donated here!) for DONALD TRUMP TO FIGHT THIS NOW AND WIN IT NOW.

The Lame Cherry has stated hits previously and states it again. I DO NOT HAVE ANY USE FOR DONALD TRUMP AFTER JANUARY 22nd IF HE IS NOT PRESIDENT OF THESE UNITED STATES. If Mr. Trump give up, he is a loser and has betrayed Americans who trusted him for the last time, as he will be hounded by the FBI with frame ups and be worthless as a candidate. All Republicans and Conservatives will be worthless as Joe Biden is going to infuse over 100 million foreign vermin into the election process legally. Even states like North and South Dakota will flip Pedo Blue in 2024.

As a loser, the President has no value, except for liberals. I will not follow a loser, I will not support a loser, I will not trust a loser, who had the Presidency, was beaten by Paul Ryan and Mike Pence to destroy MAGA, and then let a senile old pedo Joe and those slant eyed chincs beat him as MI6 and Mosaad pulled the strings.

This Lame Cherry is going to undo President Donald Trump in the way it built the time line which placed him into office to save America. Donald Trump will be an anathema and a pariah, as the Nero who fiddled while Rome burned.

So Donald Trump can forget about any support. He can be bankrupted, go to prison and his family incarcerated, as that is his fault, his responsibility, and his doing. There is not going to be a Donald Trump in 2024 with any support, as this blog will post the Truth which people know in Donald Trump gave up and abandoned Americans.

So this is understood by the President, I remember what he did in South Dakota and Arizona in loading the primaries with his worthless choices against true Americans. I remember the innocent Judge Roy Moore and what the President did to him in Alabama. I remember it all, and all of this is his responsibility, and it is his responsibility to lead now.
I'm not here to settle for two Georgia tolls that New Gingrich wants as you spend millions of dollars in donations Mr. President as American suffer. I'm done with trusting Mitch McConnell from the trenches in that to stop Pedo Joe Biden in the White House, with all of those fraud liberals in the GOP.

We have all had it with pasty white John Thune and others not supporting President Donald Trump, not supporting MAGA and betraying our support. Just because we have wised up to John Thune, does not mean that Donald Trump gets to sucker us in more promises of 4 years later.

Donald Trump was trusted to fix things in 2016. He did not get to actions which real Americans cared about like taking that Goddamned grey wolf off of endangered species until election eve. Donald Trump was trusted in 2020. I told my readers that I could lie to myself enough to vote for him, but I AM FINISHED DECEIVING MYSELF. The time on the clock has run out. Donald Trump has a wide open field and he better score, because he has the Secretary of Defense, he has Special Forces, he has Lin Wood, he as Sidney Powell, he has the Insurrection Act, he has his Executive Orders and he has 100 million armed Americans. Donald Trump squanders that open field and I have zero interest in trusting that deliberate incompetence again.

If this requires to be made clearer to the Trump Campaign and this President, HE WINS THIS HERE AND NOW. He takes this election back by the Constitutional Political Force as Commander in Chief and Chief Executive of Law Enforcement. The Founders gave him the 2nd Amendment in a very well armed militia. He has the proof that Joe Biden and his foreign comrades stole this American election. The President has his oath of office to protect America from enemies foreign and domestic, and that power means arresting by his warrants, his implacing loyal Americans into state regimes and turning them into Governments and hauling Bungholers like John Roberts out of the Supreme Court in chains to be tried as insurrectionists.

I will not follow Donald Trump one step toward orange jumpsuit prison. He wants that fate for himself and his family, then he is welcome to the political refuse pile of those feckless who gave up. I will accept only one outcome from this President and that is to fight and win, using everything the Founders provided for him, and that includes democrats in Mike Flynn, Lin Wood and Sidney Powell who are the only ones moving off the line and taking it to the enemies foreign and domestic.

It is time that Donald Trump joins George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in not allowing traitors and insurrectionist to destroy America, and if he does not join thee Americans, then he belongs like Aaron Burr, Benedict Arnold and George McClellan, fagging it up as what settled in the pisspots of London and Paris after they quit the United States.

This is once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
