Friday, December 25, 2020

No One Was Driving the Nashville RV Bomb



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Nashville Police have released a photo of the Nashville RV Bomb on their website.





 Nashville Metro PD though has two problems. It seems only morons post on their site, in thinking it is a message board.

The second problem is, the RV Bomb does not have a driver. No one is in the driver's seat.



Now I would think that a drone RV driving around Nashville TN, and parking outside ATT and knocking out that substation is a bit above any commonly blamed Trump supporter. It would seem the BATFE must be looking for a person who did not want to join in on Joe Biden's "Christmas at a distance phone call by pretending to be together, or this really looks like a deep state operation, as I doubt that Elon Musk was behind this, as he is about the only person who has AI and enough money to blow up an RV in Tennessee.

I highly doubt that woman AI in Windows 10 in Chupacabbra made a break for it either and drove her RV down to Nashville.

This was AI, seriously, this was someone with a great deal of money, with a great deal of intelligence and a great deal of engineering understanding as they built a bomb which was perfection, they had AI telling people to leave the area, and this RV had no driver.

There is a really short list of government agencies which really hate President Donald Trump and have been driving a coup against him for years, who would be on the suspect list in this, as how many people do you know have an AI RV in their backyard?

As this was not the ghost of Christmas past either driving around, this really fits with this poorly framed election theft by Joe Biden, in a false flag operation. I will await to see what patsy they frame for this, because the person can not be indicted because all they have to do is show the court the Metro Police Photo of no one in the dirver's seat, and that pretty much will not look like them.

Once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said

