Hebrews 1
5 For to which of the angels did He ever say: "You are My Son, Today I have begotten You"?
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is November 12th, and I'm working on this with a cat on m lap. She comes in for a visit, to enjoy life and is now perched on the back of the chair, enjoying life.
Years ago, I discovered that there are insignificant people who think they can become significant if they can find some Scripture to fixate on and make others think they are uninformed. Some focus on proof incorrectly instead of Faith and some tards focus on "begotten" as they think that Jesus was not begotten of the Father.
In Hebrews verse 5 by the Holy Ghost Inspiring St. Paul, states plainly as elsewhere in the Bible the nature of Chirst in He was begotten, He is the Offspring of the Father. For most people they are stuck in the physical world of understanding and it is misunderstanding. God is Spirit and unlike any other being because God was never created, but all was created by God.
The difference between God and you, is the difference between you and a computer program of silicon. God is unique in His Thoughts are Living. This is Who Jesus would be from as the Word or Thought of God. The Father, Living Thought, project themselves with a presence, and that Living Presence is the Holy Ghost. All are Living Imparting, it is why the overcome chaos, death, the grave, sickness, is because everything they touch comes alive.
When the Holy Ghost brooded over the waters as in Genesis it is revealed. That was Life Giving. It is why posts rot in the ground as the soil is alive and is trying to make that dead wood come alive again, because the Spirit of God put regeneration into planet earth.
As it is Christmas, the book of Hebrews is a brilliant revelation of Christ. I have posted the first chapter below, because St. Paul is the end of theologians in what he was Inspired to write, makes all others lacking, Nothing can be added to Hebrews, the message to thee Americans, Europeans as the children of Israel, who were a physical breeding program by God, of a Chosen People, who would bring the Spirit of God to save all humanity.
One has to understand what St. Paul is explaining is Jesus is of God. God is a Spirit, but God did not manifest Angels from His Spirit. They are not God clones. People were formed out of the earth Jesus Created by command, and into that body was breathed a soul, a planting bed, that when cultivated with the Word of God, would become the home for the Holy Ghost, which would impart to believing humans the nature of God, to become the children of God, as God would be in each of them.
This is salvation in it's perfect nature.
Angels are created by God. Those that rejected God, are demons, the anti God, the darkness. Angels being spirit can not change once they have chosen a will or the decision to become dark light or pure light. So there is no salvation for demons, because they can not change. This only is for humans, but in that, once a human becomes Spiritual and rejects God, they too become forever condemned to the darkness or antithesis of God which they have chosen.
The Salvation brought by Christ alone, because He is God, and was melded into a human form in order to die, as death is the penalty He paid for our rejection of God as souls, and Christ as God had the power to become alive again, so He has the power to make us eternally alive as He is.
Christ came to pay for our spiritual alienation from God and to adopt us back into Life. That debt paid, it only requires that a person believe the Promise and then discipline ourselves to the Ways of God, or those actions which only bring peace, joy, love and life, by showing we care about others in nurturing them, in not engaging in activities which would destroy us and destroy others. For having Faith that Jesus is Alive, is of now value when our actions prove us to be acting out in deadly consequences.
The 10 Commandments are the base for Life and the proof of if we are living to Life in Christ or frauds practicing death to ourselves and others.
God Has Spoken by His Son
1 1 Going through a long line of prophets, God has been addressing our ancestors in different ways for centuries. 2 Recently he spoke to us directly through his Son. By his Son, God created the world in the beginning, and it will all belong to the Son at the end. 3 This Son perfectly mirrors God, and is stamped with God's nature. He holds everything together by what he says - powerful words! The Son Is Higher than Angels
4 far higher than any angel in rank and rule.
The Son Superior to Angels
5 Did God ever say to an angel, "You're my Son; today I celebrate you"? Or, "I'm his Father, he's my Son"? 6 When he presents his honored Son to the world, he says, "All angels must worship him." 7 Regarding angels he says, The messengers are winds, the servants are tongues of fire. 8 But he says to the Son, You're God, and on the throne for good; your rule makes everything right. 9 You love it when things are right; you hate it when things are wrong. That is why God, your God, poured fragrant oil on your head, Marking you out as king, far above your dear companions. 10 And again to the Son, You, Master, started it all, laid earth's foundations, then crafted the stars in the sky. 11 Earth and sky will wear out, but not you; they become threadbare like an old coat; 12 You'll fold them up like a worn-out cloak, and lay them away on the shelf. But you'll stay the same, year after year; you'll never fade, you'll never wear out. 13 And did he ever say anything like this to an angel? Sit alongside me here on my throne Until I make your enemies a stool for your feet. 14 Isn't it obvious that all angels are sent to help out with those lined up to receive salvation?
This is what is the self condemnation of religions not Biblical Protestant as they deny Christ in Jewry and Islam and worship an incomplete god. Hindu and eastern religion, try to make themselves gods. Catholicism has a pope that keeps them away from God as they worship the dead. There is only One Way, One Truth and One Life, that is the Living Thought of the Father God. Those who deny this and mock this, are chosen to reflect an eternity void of Life eternal.
Jesus is the only One Who can give Life to the dying, because Jesus is thee One Who gave Life to this Universe. Those who deny that are the spiritual dead and have condemned themselves by the reason of ignorance that they can meet God on their own.
We have One Arbitrator, One Advocate, One Savior and this is Jesus, the Christ our Lord. Neither Angel. Neither human alone, nor God alone, but God and man, to be the Spiritual evolution into the Gift which God intends for all who will choose Life and not condemn themselves to death.
Nuff Said