Saturday, December 19, 2020

President Trump hand out Firearms for his Inauguration



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


At this moment two events are happening in these United States. The Director of Civilian Marksmanship is selling Americans their own guns they have already paid for at over 1000 dollars per  M 1911 Colt.

On the other, Joe Biden is moving to confiscate the 400 million firearms legally in American possession.


Fox News reported Jennifer Dillon, who previously was Biden's campaign manager, has called for "mandatory buybacks" of guns.

"We are actually the only campaign with a plan … that supports mandatory buybacks of weapons of war," she stated at the time. "An assault weapon ban is very, very important, and we need to have it. But that only takes weapons of war off the streets in the future. It does nothing for weapons of war that are currently out there."

And Sen. Kamala Harris, Biden's VP, said she also supports "mandatory buyback of 'assault weapons.'"


 President Ronald Reagan in his Administration accomplished two major rights. The first was he signed the Firearms Owners Protection Act, and in the second, he began dumping firearms into all of the States, for the advancements of Militias. Yes the President was handing out weapons to Americans in every State.

This President promised a Constitutional Carry and did not fulfill that pledge. Whatever this President is engaged in, in staying in the White House for more more years, the fact is that Americans own 400 million firearms. The US military has 3.4 million firearms on the active register.

Birther Obama added 1 billion 40 Smith and Wesson cartridges to the arsenal. There is a great deal of weaponry and ammunition, which is in the police state and military stores. It is past time for President Donald Trump to begin handing out these firearms in an Executive Order, to Americans who pass the background check or have passed the background check.

No one knows how many rifles and pistols are in the US inventory, but it is more than enough to arm the Citizens to defend their States.

The Lame Cherry calls upon the President to hand out all of these weapons and ammunition, to Americans so they can attend his Inauguration on January 21st in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord.

Nuff Said
