Saturday, December 19, 2020

Trump Moving to Appoint Sidney Powell Special Prosecutor




As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


 On Friday, as the President met with SecDef Miller, another meeting took place and it is big as Kushner Media rallied to this on Conservative Treehouse. This is official Trump Doctrine now.

Two events took place.

The President met with General Michael Flynn and the request for military intervention was placed on hold for now. The President has been moving this in expecting the Courts to legitimize his win, and now is moving to intimidate Congress by your bodies appearing in Washington DC to remind the fraud republicans like John Thune and the treacherous democrats like ......all of them, THAT THEY WORK FOR YOU and that you will not allow an election to be stolen.

Sidney Powell was there and in telecom conversations which included Rudy  Giuliani, Patriot Powell was in the process of being appointed Special Prosecutor on Election Fraud.
As William Barr sat on Pedo Biden information and the DOJ has not moved an inch on investigations, and the FBI can not find election fraud, the appointment of Powell is the kraken being unleashed. Sidney Powell can in days convene Grand Juries, provide evidence, and indict Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as communist agents with Birther Hussein and George W as conspirators as it was their CIA Hammer and Scorecard which stole these elections.

Biden and Harris can not be inaugurated when in custody at Gitmo, and every one of these treacherous trolls who have been protecting this from the #NeverTrumpers to these patsy state legislators changing parties, are all co conspirators. Remember the President has his Executive Order, he does not need the DNI's report on election fraud alone, a Powell indictment of a host of election fraud traitors will stand alone for the President to unleash political hell on his sinful enemies.

If you ever watched Kurt Russell in Tombstone, remember what happened when the gangs tried to run him out of town. He was deputized US Marshal, showed his silver star and told Ike Clanton, "Now it is all legal".

Sidney Powell is now the Kraken in this which the President must immediately release.

Nuff Said

