Friday, December 18, 2020

The Answer to President Donald Trump



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As none of us knows what is in President Donald Trump's heart in what he will do with this insurrection, but we do know what we will face with Bidencon in this insurrection, the time is now a month out to the inauguration for each of you to prepare.

What the Lame Cherry is about to tell you, is how you will survive, but it  is going to be work, not spouting off online and not causing problems. What it is, is how your great grandparents and grandparents survived. It is called COOPERATION.

Most of you are already turning off as you are lazy loud mouths and you want to fight. Well you can't eat your AR 15 and you can't burn gunpowder in your cars, so do you want to eat and be able to drive places, or do you want to be wanted by the Biden police state and shot down in a road block?

Yeah, reality is a bitch, so pay attention.

There are two things in 2021 AD which are coming. Bidencon is going to force you to take vaccines. You will be smeared as Vaxers for not taking the injection and from this they will force isolate you so you can't work, or buy food, to starve you out.

The solution for this is not AR 15's but what your grandparents did against the system of cut throats in they cooperated with each other, as in Co Ops.
America has many cooperatives. There is the Tenneseee Valley Authority which provides electricity to the central United States. There are the REA's Rural Electric Associations in the Midwest. There were in every community in rural America, Co Ops or Farmers Unions, which were groups of people who banded together, and purchased large quantites of food and fuel, so they were not gouged.
The National Farmers Organization, NFO, used to sell farm products to retailers at a competitive price.

You perhaps have seen cooperatives in large cities, growing vegetables for members. That is all ths is and is a step where voters like yourselves in your communities are going to band together under a common need to stop people from forcing vaccines on you, and to stop the regime from starving you out in not allowing you in stores to buy food.
This Sam's Club for you and I do not want to hear any "protests" associated with you. You are tax paying, law abiding Citizens who support the police. You are the PEACEFUL PATRIOTS.

Someone is going to make a great deal of money off of this, but I would suggest your symbol is the Father of America in George Washington, and you put him on white caps, white badges for your shoulders and even white coof masks, so when you band together, you recognize each other.

The last thing any of you want to do is face the armed military or police state on your door step. You get your friends and family, your neighbors together, and you form entire grids of defense and purchasing power, because you can forget about repbulicans led by McConnell and Thune as they are Schumer and Pelosi, who are betraying those on the left. In this, if you start leaving the politics of morality behind, you will discover that lots of liberals will join so they can eat food, not be forced to do things and find the protection they have always wanted.

The point in this is, even if Donald Trump rises up and does the right thing, you are going to still need to have this cooperative to have your rights to food and fuel heard.

Your objective is to survive. The political order in America has ended. Traitors rule both sides. Your focus is to survive the crash coming in 2021 AD in the year of our Lord, the forced creation of digital currencies, and in knowing that world war is coming with China.
You are if possible, to create a cash reserve WHICH YOU WILL NOT SPEND. That money does not exist and is only there to obtain things for survival which you do not want tracked by Bidencon.

Survival is what his is about. I would that you had 7 years supplies, but try and get 6 months, and do not deplete them if at all possible. Survive, do not become a target of the police state. The CIA's ANTIFA and FBI's Proud Boys are going to raise enough hell, so you stay in your Co Ops knowing that they will be infiltaited and staged violence to be blamed on your Co Ops will appear. You though are Peaceful Patriots, you work, pay your taxes, pay your bills and you are the ones with the loaves of bread and gas cans for fuel.

You survive, and wait for the world war, because that is where the balances take place in something larger will be the focus than you. You survive as the Teamsters will probably like Police unions go on strike, tying things up, making the Bidencon react, but not against you. It is better for the national guard to be hauling groceries and policing streets you are not on, than shooting at you. Keep them occupied and the police state will not be bothering you.

I would suggest that you save this post. I would suggest that you start discussing  co operatives, that you research what is necessary in legalities and funds from dues, so you will be ready and not caught flat footed in a few weeks. You prepare and be glad you did not need this, and then find wonderful ways to make this better for your life.
You already have lots of groups, some defunct like the Boy Scouts, some like the FFA still active, some like the NRA which just bleed you dry, but the frameworks are there, and you start building your own framework and operating system to protect yourselves in NUMBERS.
They will isolate you with fines like Obamcare, and new regulations in Covid tyranny, but your response is organized numbers. It is you, your community, your state, your region. Forget about redress from the system as it has been overthrown. This starts with each of us joining together so they are not picking us all off, one at a time.

This is the answer to Donald Trump, who you have no control over. You can shape your destiny and with others empower yourselves so you do not have to follow anyone.

You Prepare.

Just remember most of the sods reading this will take the lazy way. That is good, as the police state and Chinese rape cocks need to be expended on masses of Darwins. You Prepare as a Peaceful Patriot.

This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said