Friday, December 18, 2020

The Dawn of the American Junta Salvation


 Intel Experts Claim the US Was Hit By a “DIGITAL PEARL HARBOR” - Blunt Force Truth   bluntforcetruth


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


If you can not read the handwriting on the wall, Pedo Joe Biden and Comrade Harris, are not only featured in the DNI report by the DIA has direct evidence of Team Transition of Biden are agents working for the PLA of the communist Chinese.

In the 3rd act of war by Peking, the Obama Wuhan biological weapon attack, the stealing of this election by Peking for Joe Biden, and the devastating blow of PLA allies in the CIA and Solar Winds in the cyber war strike against the United States, (which was illegitimately pointed at Russia again for cover), is only left with one attack left, and that would be nuclear terrorism inside the United States by a proxy of Peking. The United States entered into a WMD world war in 2019 AD in the year of our Lord, and Birther Hussein Obama and Pedo Joe Biden are the treacherous conduits of this 5th column inside these United States.


DNI John Ratcliffe Confirmed 'There Was Foreign
Election Interference by China, Iran, Russia in Nov'


 General Flynn - Clearly There Was a Foreign
Influence Tied to These Dominion Machines
...Goes Straight Back to China, Russia And Iran


This is now so serious that the Pentagon which was delaying Team Transition Biden briefings has outright cancelled them, as Biden/ Obama / Harris and their 5th column are security breaches flowing information directly to Peking.


 Pentagon Abruptly Halts Biden Transition Briefings, Leaving Officials "Stunned"  zh


For the first time in a very long time, the Lame Cherry praises the United States military, in the non Bush, Clinton and Obama political minders who infest that former find service, as the Patriots are once again in control, not of party democrat or republican, but of the interests of these United States in their oath to protect and defend her.

What you are reading in the media of Biden treachery, is the tip of the iceberg. There is intelligence which is never going to be made public, which would have calls for these traitors to be hung from lamp posts in the streets.

The SecDef for national security reasons can no longer allow Team Transition Biden to have access to ongoing operations, which are moving active in preparation of events. These Special Operations events can not be revealed and those who would leak to the Chicoms are Team Transition Biden.



New leaked emails of Hunter Biden show joint venture deal with Chinese billionaire   oann



The Chinese PLA have been brainwashed in their Chopstick Centrist Bigotry by the Bush, Clinton and Obama orb that they will rule the world. They have the same fascist genetics perpetuated by the Rockefellers which Hitler, Mussolini and Tojo believed in the second global race war the world endured in the 20th century. Peking has begun a war, with the help of MI6, Mosaad and these CIA fellow travelers of the Bush sphere. This has been world war since the coups against President Donald Trump were initiated. Russia is being blamed by the China advocates, to allow China to survive, as the United States and Russia expend themselves on each other, in the killing fields of Melania Trump's homelands of the Slavs.


Chinese Sociologist - We'll Soon Surpass US,
'The US Will Not Survive' And 'We'll Drive US
To Its Death'


With the order of command from the SecDef, the chain of command from the SecDef and the order from the SecDef to stop briefing Team Transition Biden, the United States is dawning the salvation of thee American Junta. George Washington led the first, Abraham Lincoln led the second and Donald Trump in these most jeopardian  times is destined to lead the third.

The United States Military has issued the shot across the bow. Pedo Joe Biden will not be President.



 The DNI did not release their report to the public on intelligence. Presidential Adviser Peter Navarro did release the White House's findings in a civilian report. It was overwhelming in the damning domestic political crimes, what the SecDef knows, is far worse than what Benedict Arnold and Aaron Burr did times 1000 and on steroids.


The Lame Cherry fully supports the SecDef in securing these United States.

Nuff Said

