Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Presidential Ending Evidence for Joe Biden in the DNI Report

Amanda Schoch

DNI Spokeswoman



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


Americans have been let down so much by the criminal fraud against Americans by the Bush family, the Clintons and Obama in cover ups, that when the December 18th deadline for the Director of National Intelligence report on foreign tampering with the American elections, one concludes again this is another Goddamn ruse in which the criminals are going to get away. The Lame Cherry though is presenting you with 3 pieces of evidence from people who really know what is in this report, and had access to information before the 2020 elections, and you will be able to glean what is in the DNI report, in which there is NO EXCUSE for missing a deadline, as this is the Presidential Elections which are on the line and the rule of law.

KT McFarland stated the delay was significant and that there is something explosive in this DNI report.

We know that the Russians were engaged in online meddling in the US elections this past summer, and we know that Iran sent out Proud Boys letters threatening democrats to vote for Donald Trump. Those are real election meddling realities, but not the explosive data.


 "That's [the delay] pretty significant. What that means is there's not uniform agreement within the intelligence community about whether there was or wasn't Chinese influence and how much there was or wasn't. I think you've got to assume that at least one part of our intelligence community thinks that there was major interference which is why there's debate over this," McFarland said. "Now, I suspect that when the report comes out, you know they always want to make these things sound like everybody agrees, well chances are not everybody does agree on this and what kind of influence and what kind of interruption it was. Was it something to do with cyber attacks? Was it something to do with the balloting? Was it something to do with influence peddling? Was it something to do with bots and kind of stirring the pot? All those things are a range of issues and I'm assuming these reason this is delayed because there's probably something pretty explosive in there."

It is significant that White House Press Spokesman McEnany claimed to know absolutely nothing of this report and the White House was not responding to inquiries. The word is out for McEnany to not reference this report as the White House, the President is well aware of the content as he is being briefed daily.

Remember that the DIA was refusing to brief the Bidencon transfer team and that the DNI was filtering information to the Biden transfer team. The two subjects in this are the Biden family and the Chicoms. so what do they have in common?


White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany told The Epoch Times on Tuesday that she wasn’t aware of any report stemming from the order. The White House didn’t respond to a request for comment about the ODNI’s announcement.



It is fag Richard Grenell who brings in the last pieces of this enigma. He states clearly that there are elements in the intelligence community attempting to politicize this DNI report. That is a nice way of saying they are trying to sanitize this report that the Chicoms had purchased the Biden family, and assisted in stealing thee election for Joe Biden.

It is the DNI, in John Ratcliffe who has been warning of the threat of Peking, and according to Grenell, it is Ratcliffe who is most vehement in detailing the Chinese communist threat, meaning detailing that threat interferes with the Intelligence Community communists who are going to be rewarded by Pedo Joe Biden, so they are traitors in trying to cover up that the Chicoms stole the election for Joe Biden.


Richard Grenell, the former acting director of national intelligence, wrote on Twitter just prior to the announcement that Ratcliffe “is standing up for career analysts who want their views to be accurately reflected.”

“In other words, fighting to keep intelligence from being politicized,” he added.

Grenell shared a report which said, citing an anonymous source, that Ratcliffe was not signing off on the report unless it more fully reflected the national security threat posed by China’s attempts to influence the outcome of the 2020 election. “John Ratcliffe has access to the most sensitive intel. This is important,” Grenell said.


Yes that assessment which is correct is very explosive stuff. It means Joe Biden is compromised. It means that Joe Biden lied to Americans about his son Hunter's, being a stooge for Peking to deliver money to the Biden family, with his father getting a cut. It means why the federal police have been looking at Hunter Biden and still are. It means why William Barr was hiding all of this for Bush family, because this information would have put Joe Biden into prison already.

The conclusion is this is Director Gina Haspel's CIA which is covering up the Biden Chicom connection and attempting to sanitize the report. The delay in release of this report, produces two realities and neither of which stop President Donald Trump from initiating his September 2018 executive order on punishing and arresting those involved in this, outside these United States and inside these United States.

I had hoped that this report would issue on Friday at 6 PM on the 18th of December, but this report is already known all through Washington DC, and this means Joe Biden knows what is in this report. That means Joe Biden can be pressured to concede, because it means this report can be issued, just before the Congressional certification of the electoral college votes.

Put it this way, you are the two cow plops from South Dakota in John Thune and Mike Rounds, who just suckled Biden's president erect pedo penis, and this DNI report comes screaming out with a clarion call that Joe Biden is a traitor and the Chinese communists who released this plague helped Biden steal this election.
I don't even think that Mormon traitor, Mitt Romney has the multiple wife testicles to vote for Joe Biden when this election is contested in the Congress.

I do not like playing these games as too many times Americans get burned, but this DNI report is the stuff that world wars are started over and traitors get hung, and that includes the treacherous black robes on the Supreme Court.

This is the explosive information in this DNI report, and Congress has that traitor John Roberts for throwing this open to the public, instead of just upholding the rule of law and throwing out those fraud votes from China. This is just starting.

It ain't over till the fat lady sings, and she ain't singing yet.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
