Monday, December 14, 2020

The Solar Wind of Bidencon Treason


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 The act of war and treason by cyber terrorism which engulfed the United States must be place into the Lame Cherry reality horizon, because when it is reported that a "highly evasive attacker" was behind this, and once again Russia is being blamed, but this was not just some hacker.

This was an international monitoring corporation based in Austin Texas, which makes cyber security for the United States Government and all American corporations. There was not some hacker who just found a window. This window was created inside the codex deliberately in Texas by someone in these United States.
These programs do not just get plugged in. They are run through forensics by the best Edward Snowden minds in CIA, NSA, FBI and Boos Hamiliton. For this software to have this kind of exploit and not be found for half a year..........this was an inside job in the United States, just like George vote hacking was traced to the NSA and just like Joe Biden had foreigners helping him steal the election with Dominion Canada.


READ: Fireeye cybersecurity company describes mysterious international hacking by "highly evasive attacker"


 The United States has the best computer minds in the world. This was proven in the Biden CIA Frankfurt Germany election flipping. That rabbit hole group thought they could not be traced. The DIA traced them back to source.

This highly elusive hacker is from the inside. This is a misdirect as MI6 in Pissgate. This was High Treason to disrupt the United States and blackmail America by Bidencon.

You will notice that the CIA and FBI were not listed in the attack list focus. It was though the NSA and the military of the Executive.


After an initial dormant period of up to two weeks, it retrieves and executes commands, called “Jobs”, that include the ability to transfer and execute files, profile the system, and disable system services. The backdoor’s behavior and network protocol blend in with legitimate SolarWinds activity, such as by masquerading as the Orion Improvement Program (OIP) protocol and storing reconnaissance results within plugin configuration files. The backdoor uses multiple blocklists to identify forensic and anti-virus tools via processes, services, and drivers...Hidden in plain sight, the class SolarWinds.Orion.Core.BusinessLayer.OrionImprovementBusinessLayer implements an HTTP-based backdoor..

This focused on thee American energy sector which was backing President Trump and Americans. This is what Bidencon targeted to destroy.


FireEye has uncovered a widespread campaign, that we are tracking as UNC2452. The actors behind this campaign gained access to numerous public and private organizations around the world. They gained access to victims via trojanized updates to SolarWind’s Orion IT monitoring and management software. This campaign may have begun as early as Spring 2020 and is currently ongoing.


Again this is not from the outside. This is a secure conglomerate. This is a conglomerate who hires 3rd world foreign trash programmers. This hole was created. This hole was allowed by the CIA, FBI and all the safety checks as kosher.

This is where this story is, this is the next phase of the world war being waged against America.


Nuff Said


