Monday, December 14, 2020

Trump's Scytl Landslide or Trump's Lame Cherry Landslide



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


This blog wanted to compare the Scytl data count which One America News has published, where the President won 410 votes in the electoral college, compared to what inquiry indicated was trending weeks out in what Donald Trump would win in 360 electoral college votes.




 Yes the point is Donald Trump wins in a landslide in both, but it is interesting to me in what the matrix was indicating was close to what Scytl was reporting.

 It is the same New York liberal cluster, Illinois, but differs on the west coast, as the matrix had the President winning Colorado and Oregon, but Scytl had the President winning California too. If that is the case, then Republicans swept to super majorities in the House and Senate, and this must be rectified for MAGA.



 I will explain something too and it is time that each of you stop referring to yourself as Goddman red commies. It was NBC's CIA asset Tim Russert who changed Republican Reagan Blue to that Goddamn pinko commie red, in order to take that slur away from the pinko socialist commie democrats.

This blog has stood alone for Reagan Blue and it is time you start raising hell with all this CIA minder Mockingbird on the right which to stop calling you a commie like pedo Joe Biden.

In inquiry I was surprised when Oregon went for the President, and he took Colorado, and surprised that Biden in inquire did net Nevada. This is not to state though that the Matrix was saying Biden legitimately won those states, but to state that on Election Day, Donald Trump was going to win those States even with election fraud.

That is about all it wrote on this subject, but the real data closely does match that which was published here.

Nuff Said

