They set up my People do be killed!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The election thieves of 2020 who hate the police and who were making them targets of violence all summer in the Obama Intifada have added more to their disgusting rhetoric in dragging the dead Brian Sicknick, with Nancy Pelosi hitting the ultimate hypocrisy in lowering the flags to half mast.
This blog suspects and holds everything printed from this point on as propaganda. What I have been able to discover in the death of Brian Sicknick, who supported and loved Donald Trump, was that the DC police swore he was not dead, while his brother was quoted in a report stating that while on duty at the Capitol, Officer Sicknick was hit with a fire extinguisher to the head. He received no treatment, served out this time, and when returning to the precinct had medical problems which transported him to the hospital where he is said to have died, from a blood clot in the brain, also that he had a stroke.
As all of the police had riot gear on in helmets, it is puzzling how he was struck hard enough on the head to cause this kind of critical injury, and from a fire extinguisher which is not exactly something that common or unnoticeable in being huge and red.
What this blog is going to contend is that all of the 5 dead, are confirmed on the Capitol grounds, and we know from eye witness accounts published here that three lethal measures were deployed by the DC police, well four if one counts their transporting ANTIFA to the Capitol and letting them in.
The three lethal measures were pepper spray, flash grenades and rubber bullets. Well again, four, as there is video of a DC cop face punching Trump supporters who walked by him.
He was “injured while physically engaging with protesters,” according to the USCP.
“He returned to this division office and collapsed,” the department’s announcement reads. “He was taken to a local hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.”
A face punch will cause brain bleeding. As the FBI is offering a huge reward in this, was there a reality that this Trump supporting Officer intervened against a cop punching Trump supporters and was punched or batonned himself?
Rubber bullets are as lethal as a hammer to the head, even with a helmet on, as are stun grenades.
These questions require asking in was Officer Sicknick a friendly fire casualty and that is why he did not take himself off the line, as the police department does not appreciate those kinds of embarrassments
USA Today
US Capitol Police officer dies after DC riots
There is a great deal suspect in the dead in DC, as it began with Ashli Babbett murdered at point blank range by a DC, Secret Service, Mike Pence bodyguard. The case of Trump supporter Benjamin Phillips who founded several websites like Trumperoo and Scummy Democrats, was reported dead, away from his friends, on the Capitol grounds. He too suffered a stroke.
You will discover in the following cases that bleeding in the brain killed numbers of people. As all five dropped on the Capitol grounds, and were transported to hospital and the cause of death was stroke, which is brain bleeding and brain swelling, there is a question in this if there was some kind of sonic weapon deployed or all of these people got clobbered in the head by something the police were deploying.
Again, only 5 people died, and all died of traumas, and I will give you that Ashli Babbett was murdered by shot in the neck, but several hundred foot pounds from a cop's bullet still is an impact force which travels up the spine to the brain.
Benjamin Phillips, Rosanne Boyland and Kevin Greeson
— ~𝓣𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓬𝓲𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓣𝓮𝓪𝓱~ (@TeahCartel) January 8, 2021
Four people were confirmed dead on Capitol grounds late Wednesday, among whom was a woman who died from being shot inside the Capitol building. The DC Police Department identified her as 35-year-old Ashli Babbitt of Huntington, Maryland. The department said the three others died in separate medical emergencies. They were 50-year-old Benjamin Philips of Pennsylvania, 55-year-old Kevin Greeson of Alabama, and 34-year-old Rosanne Boyland of Georgia.
So in the quote below we have further clarification in Kevin Greeson, had a heart attack, and yet the police call them all medical emergencies to cloud what was taking place. Apparently no one cared that Rosanne Boyland of Georgia died of anything as no information is on her.
So we have one shot in the neck, two stroked out, one heart attack and Ms. Boyland was most likely a heart attack or stroke too.
Police Chief Robert Contee would not go into detail about the exact causes of their deaths and would not say if any of the three was actively involved in breaching the Capitol building on Wednesday.
Contee would only say that all three "were on the grounds of the Capitol when they experienced their medical emergencies."
Greeson's family says he had a heart attack. They described him as a supporter of President Donald Trump's but denied that he condoned violence.
Again, now what would cause this kind of stress to cause strokes, heart attacks, people being pushed through windows to be shot by Pence protectors?
Wow allergic reactions to being sprayed. Shock from loud blasts in grenades. Shock from the blasts of rubber bullets. All things one group was engaged in, and their chief officer just resigned as the Mayor refused more federal support to control this ANTIFA situation.
Couple that with stress from Congress voting to certify vote fraud, and what you have legally in the deaths of these 5 Americans is blowing an air horn behind someone with an aneurysm or bad heart and their dying from the shock.
So as the US Attorneys, DOJ and FBI are expanding the definitions of what is a felony, the stress that the Governor and Secretary of State of Georgia can be linked to killing Rosanne Boyland, along with the cops deploying lethal weapons on the crowd.
The same is true that what the cops did to Kevin Greeson and Benjamin Phillips were factors in their deaths to be listed as homicides. As the FBI is already investigating Brian Sicknick's death as homicide, there must be a medical finding if all those rubber bullet cartridges going off, all that gas and pepper spray and yes the flash grenades, were the cause of the blood clot, as there is a difference between a blow to the head and the concussion of detonations which permeate the brain.
Lastly, we know that Ashli Babbett was deliberately murdered. Of course no one but Trump supporters are going to be arrested and if Ashli Babbett has survived as a Gabby Giffords cripple, she would be charged for high crimes too and under Biden laws executed.
What the Lame Cherry though is interested in, is not the criminal laws as justice is dead as democracy in America. What the Lame Cherry is interested in is the work of civil lawyers in lawsuits, the kind launched against Sidney Powell, where lawyers in Pennsylvania, Georgia and elsewhere in Trump localities sore about election theft, can launch billion dollar lawsuits agains the DC police, the Mayor, and all the members of Congress for stressing out these people and causing their deaths in reckless homicide.
Ashli Babbett's estate is of course the preeminent case as a woman goaded by Obama Intifada and murdered in the Capitol for effect is a high dollar case in all juries hearing that, as much as Georgians, Pennsylvanians and others do not like their Citizens scuffed up and dead when going out and having a good time supporting the President.
Finally in the photo of Brian Sicknick, someone included the people scaling the walls of the Capitol. Yeah that is a problem legally, because in rural areas or even your backyard, if you have things sitting there that entice people to go have a look, and they get hurt or into trouble, you are libel for this and not them in trespassing
The US Congress built a wall, but unlike Trump's wall, this Congress wall has perfect hand holds for people to crawl up it. That is enticement to do something and people can not be convicted of being enticed to do things. That is framing them and in that the US Congress meeting behind closed doors, pissing off 80 million people, of whom 1 million showed up to demand that Congress not break the law, enticed every one of those people......and come on Jury, as this is what a civil attorney would tell the Jury, "You have the United States Congress, and it has windows that break? Where the hell is the bomb proof glass as they spend enough taxpayer money on booze that Nancy Pelosi loots from military planes, so Congress not taking necessary precautions by leaving windows this undefended is their liability, as it is like leaving your house door open and then accusing people of breaking in.
None of these people charged with being in the Capitol have a case against them, because the cops let people in, the wall was built to be climbed and these windows were like from a doll house.
This is all going to have to come out in trial, civil trials in all of these people suing the Congress, police and whoever for enticing them to enter a building, and as for the dead, what a civil lawyer accuses the Congress, police, DOJ of, can not be disproven, but have an attorney shoot a dummy with a rubber bullet so the Jury sees the head crack and then follow it up with a flash grenade as that impact rips through their bodies and the case is closed as the Jury will award for those suing and there is not going to be a big enough pocket to fill up this lawsuit.
I realize that Chicom Joe has a pre written National Terrorist Act which will be passed to make criminals out of all Americans, but the minute that Trump supporters figure out that they can start filing lawsuits as the government is libel, they are going to fill the courts up, and they will win, win, win and win.
This is once again, another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said