Sunday, January 10, 2021

Gird Yourself Mr. President as This is Not Over.




As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


The reason Nancy Pelosi is impeaching President Trump is more than what Rush Limbaugh stated in they are terrified the President is declassifying dirt on them, it goes to the center of censorship, in if the President can not communicate nor his loyal platforms will be up disseminating information, then the public will not be able to respond politically in being informed.

The above letter is a confession of Italian IT expert, Arturo D'Elia, in what took place on November 3rd in the Biden election steal. The US embassy and CIA station was involved in stealing the election.


General Flynn has confirmed this as fact and the investigator who uncovered this is beyond reproach. This is the real information and it unseats Joe Biden from the White House.




The President is still providing reassurances cryptically through secondary sources, the NYE COUNTY GOP CHAIRMAN, who is voicing the Lin Wood reality, the President in his last tweet drawing attention to the military emergency communication system. The FCC reminding all media that in emergency broadcast activation, they must carry the President live.

In the plus minus, this could be a diversion to pin people down and then crush them, where they in emotion react and get themselves into trouble. It could be worrying Pelosi Inc. in keeping them off balance. I do know for certain that this impeachment is not to remove the President now as the Senate will not take this up until after January should get the message in this which is obvious in that means Pelosi thinks Donald Trump is going to be inaugurated a second time, as she knows damn sick the intelligence is out there that this election was stolen.


US Senate Unlikely to Act on Impeachment
Until After Trump Out of Office, Reports Say


This deplatforming people is alarming, but all of this, including the murder of Ashli Babbitt, has another venue in psyops in when the President does act, there are not going to be any bleeding hearts sympathy for Ben Sasse to anyone else in Bidencon, because they showed absolutely no mercy on Americans in going after them, and have been absolute Stalin.

Pray for the President's safety and for him to fulfill God's will and the will of the People. My Bible reading from the Holy Ghost was again Eljah on the mount and God stating that Hazael in war, Jehu in civil war and Elisha in Judgment were coming on God's working things out. 

Franklin Graham - 'God's Judgment Is Coming
...We Are In Trouble'

 There is shit going on yet behind the scenes. I am not raising false hopes. The actions by Pelosi and the stealers is proof they think the President is going to be entering his second term.

So many long knives coming out means they are afraid.

