As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As I accomplished this, through much difficulty as an asshole would not reply to me concerning ordering garden seeds, I have ordered my seeds, in the ones I wanted from an online source.
While I have saved seeds for years, I ordered more in some I can not grow seed for yet, as in carrots and beets.
I do not trust the greenhouses to have cauliflower, cabbage or broccoli, so I ordered seed and will have to start seeds, tomatoes and melons included very soon. As I purchased screens and four glass patio doors last year in preparing for all of this, I have cold frames to build when it warms, and I have screen houses so my cabbage family will not be eaten by poison necessary now.
I have no idea what the Biden fraud will bring. I am certain now with the gardening methods I have fleshed out here, that they all work, and will work for you too, to keep you in some kind of food which is fresh and will not require the mark of the beast.
I fully intend if seeds and things are available to add to my supply for just in case, but I purchased enough carrots for two years.
Do not be whining to God about not having things and expecting Him to provide when He provided for a way to feed yourself, and you had a big warning in 2020.
Do you really want to stand in a Biden line, only for the vaxed for only satan knows what is in that package labeled as food?
Inch by inch, row by row, God bless these seeds I sow.
Nuff Said