With your galactic bow you will conquer those Tehrans.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
After enduring the seizing of making a crisis into a pandemic to make everyone's life hell, there is something you should be aware of.
There was a revelation a few decades ago of the last great deception which was going to be foisted on the world population, was the creation of another fictitious evil, a last evil, an evil of all evils, in there are coming some really bad aliens that we are going to have to defend against and be at war with.
You're going to tell me that the turd commie, John Brennan, never got a look at the UFO files and now with all he has going on in deranged tweets against Donald Trump, that his great interest is in aliens, and that we are all to trust John Brennan about other life forms and to keep and open mind.
Ex-CIA boss Brennan says Pentagon’s declassified UFO videos are ‘eyebrow-raising,’ advises ‘to keep an open mind’ — RT USA News ∞ rt
Yes Chinamen on the moon, Japanese on the meteors and everything is open for war.
Guardians of the galaxy: Mike Pence names members of new ...
TodayGuardians is a name with a long history in space operations, tracing back to the original command motto of Air Force Space Command in 1983, 'Guardians of the High Frontier.'
Better watch out for the Jesus character you will be warned about.
Nuff Said