Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Evolution of the Patriot Primate



As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


I live in a plus minus world of good and evil. So everything is always broken down to the Socrates method. When I do forensic psychology studies and projections, they match history, human action, reaction and interaction, which then produces a finite scenario the 1% knows how to steal everything you have, but not so much that you rise up in revolution. It is a money siphoning reality, but it is nothing to do with money, but what money represents in liberty or the not needing the few to provide crumbs to you.

The 1% have already projected out the cause and effect of the Trump Rally that went ANTIFA terror at the Capitol, but this is for us who are the cloth of the land to progress in our knowledge of the moment to marvel at how we eat the bananas.

What has impressed me, after the MAGA rallying Patriots, is how quickly they learned. Of course the information was leaked this was a set up, and in that the 1% wants people not to rally or exchange information, in order to subdue them more readily and to show that all the world loves Pedo Joe. But in that, this is what would be troubling in this, in the MAGA Patriots realized the danger, were not drawn into FBI sting like Hutatree in mass, and instead they are all staying home as they should, and with a low growl watching for events to manifest and how to engage them.

When I wrote the forensic study of Out of Many, One, it was an analysis of what would be a slow projection of reactions in America based on historical known actions by other primates. I sincerely thought the Patriot Primate would be......they could be drawn out like Tea Party gatherings, bloodied and battered, reacted to in more armed shows of force, and then slaughters and round ups of convenience to bully the society, the way the Clintons accomplished at OKC, Waco and Ruby Ridge and the Obama examples of Malheur in the murder of LaVoy Finnicum.  Obama's folks really were not adept at operations as more Blacks were killed in those operations, as Mr. Finnicum was the only murder, and Hutatree was set free by a Federal Judge who called out the prosecutors for railroading these people.

What the Capitol Event did though was evolve the primates from the stone age to the iron age in a few days. This is amazing, considering how mind fuct people are all the time from the Mockingbird, but all of the lies and manipulations has triggered such a distrust that the reality is, most Americans are like deer being shot over, and are already moving the minute they hear a car door slam.

From the reports Natural News, the FBI was investing enough resources in this to track people in the military to civilians. The US Marshals in DC created their own army to react to "what the FBI" assured all was coming in this mass attack on State and Federal capitols. As I write this on January 19th, I honestly believe it will only be the ANTIFA, BLM, Proud Boys who are numbering most if not half federal paid assets, are the only ones who will appear, and more to the point, if something did happen, MAGA will be blamed again, but MAGA is not there. They stayed home after Donald Trump ordered them to go home. That would assess as a major mistake in the staged DC police riots in they used up the advantage of surprise to have Whig Mike Pence install Pedo Joe, and once MAGA figured out what was going on, MAGA was alerting everyone to not go near these protests.

 As stated, this is factored in by the 1%, in MAGA could learn to stay away, but in staying away Bidencon receives the edge as the sheep are scattered. Better scattered sheep than sheep on the morgue hooks though.

This would factor out that Bidencon will through executive orders and the dictatorship of the rubber stamp Congress, pass a series of criminalization laws against Americans, like Obamacare fines. Don't get the vax, don't wear a mask, don't give up your AR 15, and you get penalized to make you submit. John Roberts IRS taxes for Obamacare will be the basis of all of these laws it is projected. They will pick people off in segments, if they will not show up to be shot down at rallies. See the 1% has all things factored out in cause and effect.

But what this blog is studying is the remarkable evolution of the MAGA, in recognizing danger and reacting to it correctly. Fleeing is fleeing and fleeing keeps you alive. As was studied in the scientific paper on this mentioned above, based upon history, the well armed Americans are not picking up guns. In cost effectiveness, the sacrifice of Ashli Babbitt in her murder, was meant to incite violence from MAGA, but instead her sacrifice taught MAGA to think instead of react. They did not pick up guns which is life saving as a group of armed Americans, concentrated in this America would be wiped out like the burned children of Waco.

Yes it remains to be seen if the primate picks up a tool, now that it has left their weapon's cased, which it appears the 1% have factored out, and concluded that only using mass extermination methods (One can not incarcerate 100 million Americans as the costs and logistics would be too high.)  would be able to stop primates dismantling the system with tools.

My focus has always been to stop the violence, and to keep each of you from getting into trouble or getting killed. The epic disappointment of the election steal was one which disheartened many, but instead of acting out in violence or being triggered to pick up their guns and run to the town square where they would be mowed down like grass, the Patriot primate has instead melted into the open spaces blending in with the other primates, as they are studying events and analyzing cause and effect.

This is a remarkable moment in human history. Since the time of Nimrod to Rome, regimes have established how to control large populations with a few men. That is the case in this coup in America, but in the prior cases, every case ended up with a violent mob, being put into chains and destroyed. These Patriot primates have evolved as their American Rangers did out of New York in the French and Indian War. They were slaughtered by the Indians, but in a short period of time as Teddy Roosevelt recorded in his Winning of the West, produced an Ohio and Tennesee Rifle cavalry which hid behind trees, lived off the land and struck like Indians, to such success that the Indians were running away in terror and screaming for peace.

This American Protestant race is different in these centuries in they learn and evolve more quickly. 

Again the next historical steps will prove the evolution, of what was projected here, or if the evolution is not as dynamic as it has been in the centuries. There will be Robert Lansdale creations as in the Tea Party to new leaders who will lead to a diffusion of mediocrity. That though is future tense. What is of interest is the next evolution of the Patriot primate. It is like watching the 2001 A Space Odessy, in will the chimp pick up the stick and make a tool of it, or spend a 1000 years picking turds off it's behind, waiting for the next stick.



Nuff Said




